Rams And Plants


Fish Crazy
Jul 5, 2006
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just from my experience with keeping my ram and some plants.

they tend to like hygrophila polysperma.. and they LOOOVE crypts apparently.

now they don't eat vallisneria much.

anyone know of some other plants they won't eat? I am going to take out my crypts and what not cause they are just a mess!
Java fern and java moss. Java moss apparently has a bitter taste and the fish don't like it. Also try Amazon Sword plant.
Same here my rams have never touched my plants. What other fish are in the tank?
Add another one to the list of rams not eating any of my plants.. including H. polysperma and crypts.

Are you sure the ram is the culprit?

Are you sure you have a ram?
I am pretty sure its my ram.. and I feed him flake food and frozen brine shrimp, and apparently the brine shrimp is good for herbivours, its spuralina bring shrimp or something its like green. And it definatley is a ram ;).. hmmm its a BLUE ram. oops I thought that was a given when I said "ram". Maybe that changes things?

My other fish include tiger barbs, serpae tetras and a schilbedae catfish. I never noticed any nips on the plants till I put in that ram.

The swords don't have any nips, along with my vallisneria.
Here are some pictures



as you can see they are being eaten alive
I never had any issues until I added the Blue Ram.

either way I am still looking for some nice plants that herbivorous fish won't eat..

I hear anubus is one?
Yeah, I wouldn't blame the Ram unless you actually watch him eating the plants, and then i'd be very very surprised.
its interesting because i noticed that the other crypts are as badly bitten. I think this crypt is dead and just happened to start rotting.. then maybe the ram got at it? I have never really seen the barbs nipping at the plants ever so I can't imagine them being the cause. Either way its like a huge major issue I will just remove the crypts and place in some Littorella Uniflora if I can find it. Plus it looks better anyways... check it


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