Rams And Angels


May 1, 2006
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Nottingham, UK
I have a pair of small gold rams. They were living in a 52 x 27 x 38cm tank with 4 glowlight tetras, four cardinals and 1 neon. The male ram chased the glowlights something rotten, especially at feeding time but the two rams just co-existed happily.

For various reasons I've moved the rams into a 67.5 x 32 x 47cm tank which already had 2 Koi angels in it. The male ram has perked up no end he spends a lot of time displaying to his mate and his pale blue irridescent spots are really bright. But ... he's started to attack the angels.

The angels are now a bit jumpy - but no physical damage - and the larger angel sometimes retaliates.

Will they learn to get along or should I separate them?

The only other tank I could put the rams in already has four tiger barbs in it, aswell as pearl and zebra danios

Any thoughts, thanks
It sounds like your rams want to spawn and they are keeping the angels in check. I have discus, angels and rams in my tank and all co-exist happily. Remember that rams are still cichlids and if they spawn (which it sounds like they might) they will attack anything else in the tank to protect their clutch. Angels are no wussy's tho so I wouldn't worry about them too much unless you see any physical damage. As long as everyone is getting food, it should be no problem :)

I had Angels and German Rams living in the same tank with no problems. I currently have Angels with Bolivian Rams, only been in tank together for 1 week but doesnt appear to be any problems so far. Tha Angels have even spawned regularly whilst these Rams have shared a tank and the German Rams also spawned.
Oh well that's a relief. Thought it might have been a big mistake putting them together. I'll see how they get on. Thanks :good:
i have 4 angels and a german blue ram (male). they seem to get along just fine. they've been together for about a week, no problems yet.
I had 3 angels in a 45 tall tank but one was bullied to death by the dominant fish. Now I have 2 in the 45 and will be adding cories soon to the tank. But I am leaving the two alone and not adding another.

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