🐡 FOTM Ram419 - June 2024 Fish of the Month Winner (Cichlids)


TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
June 2024 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome Cichlids entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning entry and its description

This is my angelfish. I've had him for about 1 year and 2 months. Currently in a 20 gallon by himself.
Feed him fish flakes once per day and frozen brine shrimp once per week. Every once in a while a small peice of fish pellets.
Congrats to @Ram419 with your interesting black Angelfish. Excellent fish and superb picture. Well deserved win.
Coming in 2nd place is @robbiek22 with your strikingly beautiful Strawbery Peacock Cichlid. Such a colorful Cichlid.
And finishing in 3rd place is @gilltyascharged with their super nice OB Peacock Cichlid.. Great fish and awesome photo.

Thanks to everyone who participated in June 2024 Fish of the Month contest.

On another note,
Right now we are accepting entries for our July Tank of the Month contest which is featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 US gallons. If you have a tank of that size, we hope to see you enter the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the entry thread.
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In addition to featuring Ram419's awesome Angelfish in this thread, @Ram419's Angelfish will be added to our Fish of the Month Wall of Fame, will be added to the top of the forum's home page, and Ram419 will be awarded a FOTM winner banner for his profile area.
Congrats again @Ram419 .
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
June 2024 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome Cichlids entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning entry and its description

This is my angelfish. I've had him for about 1 year and 2 months. Currently in a 20 gallon by himself.
Feed him fish flakes once per day and frozen brine shrimp once per week. Every once in a while a small peice of fish pellets.
Don't tell my cichlid, but your angel deserved to win 🤫
He is an absolute beauty.

I would say though it was a really tough month to vote on. So many great entries.

So a very big Concrats on the win!
Yes, congratulations! This, however, does take me back to a couple of years ago when I had my jet matte black angelfish similar to this one. She was, round, meaty, no markings, red eyes (but you couldn't tell they were red until she looked up at the light, otherwise they looked black), very long pectoral and ventral fins that looked like black lace, and absolutely gorgeous! I have yet to see fins as long as hers was on any angelfish. And she was huge. Because she was so big I always thought she was a male until she started putting eggs all over my filter. She was the most beautiful fish I ever had. And I saved her from Pet Smart when she was nickel size and had ick all over her. She was the last one left and the only one who hadn't succumbed to whatever disease they had in that tank including ick. I had never been able to raise up an angel fish before. They would die for unknown reasons when small after about a week or two of having them. I almost gave up but when I saw her I knew she was going to die and thought at least with me I will try everything I can to make her healthy. Unlike Pet Smart which has a water system that circulates the same water through all their tanks over and over, I didn't. How can you heal a fish this way when ick was in all your tanks? That is why it was in all their tanks. So, I took her home. and I managed to cure her ick naturally and I had her for 2 years. I was so proud. I never knew what kind of angel she was because they had all different ones in the same tank, and she never matched completely any angelfish I had looked up and saw images of. Her pectoral or ventral fins (don't know which one it would be or both.) were always a lot longer than the other black angels. When she was in a 20-gallon high tank and she was in the middle of the tank, her fins could reach the ground nearly. They were so pretty. If anyone thinks they know what she could have been please let me know.
One day she got an injury on her head from the wood in the tank after she got spooked and darted headfirst into it. It had been made sharp from the snails that were eating it. It got infected and she passed away. It broke my heart because it was my fault. So many times, I was going to take that piece out and sand it down, but I didn't do it in time. I have yet to get another because it was so upsetting. It's just funny because I remember coming here asking about her injury and what to do but it was as if at the time no one knew that much about angel fish. Especially, the kind I had or something. And here one is looking awfully similar is winning the contest.
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I had the same thing occur for the first angelfish I had, which is the one in my profile picture. Had one of those aquaruim castles in the tank and it got stuck in between one of the openings. The fish survived for a while but had lost fins that never really grew back. And it didn't live as long as it should. I was very sad when it died because I had something to do with it. I won't make that mistake again.

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