Ram Mating Ritual Or Fighting?

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Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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The past couple weeks my male ram has been very mean to the female. Every time i looked at them he was chasing her around the tank and she would always be colorless and her fins were i little torn up. So just a couple days ago i got a new heater and raised the temp from 76 to 82 degrees and ever since then the aggression has slowed a little but just today i looked at them and they were very colorful but they kept going mouth to mouth and swimming up beside eachother really weird. I have never seen them do anything like that. They are, or at least were a pair. They had one batch of eggs together a while ago. And I had the female in the tank a month or two before i got the male. If any of that matters. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
i have a couple rams and i find that the male chases the female from time to time.  They even will butt heads against each other or go mouth to mouth like you described.  I wouldn't worry if they are looking healthy and you don't see tares on the fins again or missing scales.  What size tank do you have? are there caves for them to go hide in or places for them to go escape each other? sometimes like all couples they need some time apart
Yeah I have caves and plenty of hiding places for them. They're in a 30 gallon. They've been at it for weeks and at first wasnt to worried about it but then it wouldn't end and she wasnt fighting back untill now. They both do have pretty torn up fins.
Oh and I keep forgetting to mention that she is full of eggs.
Well it looks like whatever marriage problems they were having have been settled. It looks like they're trying to spawn again. :D
thats great man im glad to hear that.  i know cichlids are pretty aggressive when mating so that could have been what was going on and since rams are dwarf cichlids it would make sense they would do it to

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