I have two Rams, was told when I bought them one is female and the other male, they were quite different one bigger than the other and more colourful. I have had them now roughly 3 months or so. They are happy with each the other and the one i thought was male put the Angel Fish in their place. Then this afternoon i noticed the male getting rammed by the what i think is the female and not swimming. The female seems to have grown rapidly over night and formed loads more colour, looks great. I put the male in a breeding tank whilst i had to go back to work to give him a break, I have put him back in the tank and the other Ram wont leave him alone, not fighting as such just mithering (if that makes sense) The poorly Ram just seems to want to balance on the gravel doesnt look good and not feeding, usually swims right to the bloodworm first. Checked the nitrates, ph etc and all normal no change, any suggestions i dont want to loose by good looking fish!!