Ram developing sunken belly? Parasite?


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jul 23, 2021
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So my sister got a pair of electric blue rams a few weeks ago. They both look healthy and have a very healthy appetite. Both are active swimmers and have nice colors. But one of them, the smaller one, has started to develop a sunken belly. And after looking it up it seems like parasite might be the most likely cause and rams are more prone to it.

I have prazipro on hand already and was wondering if y’all think that would be a good thing to dose with? Since even if it’s not a parasite it still works as a preventative. Or should I look into seachem Paragaurd or something similar? I know there’s a specific ingredient but idk how to spell it
So reading the instructions for prazipro… is one dose all you do?

It sounds like dose once, wait 6 days, so a 20-25% water change, repeat once, and done?

Or is one dose sufficient? And two only for bad infections
How do different genders of rams interact with each other?

The pair is still to young to properly gender, but the smaller one which is the ones who developed the sunken tummy (and starting pooping egregiously large dumps over the deworming period) is always swimming around exploring minding their business while the larger one is always loosely following them.

So far nothing aggressive really. The small one look undisturbed as they go about their swim. And the large one is just kinda hanging out around the small one at all times, not chasing or biting or rubbing.

The tank is large enough for them to have their own territories if they’re both men. And there are two caves on opposite sides of the tank.

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