Does my Bolivian ram look sick?

Here are some photos of my female Bolivian Ram as you can see she is more colored up than yours (My PH is 7.6 by the way so you should be ok there), they are slow and relaxed eaters. I think your problem is the other fish are not leaving her much to eat. I had the same problem at the beginning and it took me a long time to get her fattened up and colored. I have pearl gouramis and they are fast and voracious eaters. I know she loves Hikari micro pellets if she can get to them. So what I do now is give the gouramis very slowly flakes to eat on one side while I make sure some micro pellets get to her. Bolivians pick at their food, take a bite spit it up and then take it back and eat it, at the same time I break small shrimp pellets in smaller pieces for my corys and let them sink. Well I discovered she loves those! She will pick at them and munch on them and thoroughly enjoy them.
Try that and let me know how you make out and if you have any questions just let me know, I’m on here everyday now.

P.S. The photos don’t do her justice, her colors don’t show up well.


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