Raising Cecropias

been a little slow on the updating, was a busy weekend. They just keep eating and eating. I'm moving the first group outside tomorrow and we will see how they do in a screen top bin. I've been putting small branches in then the next day all thats left is the center veins of all the leaves. They have started to reach the 4th instar.

Pics of them still in the 3rd instar.


One of the larger ones that is in its fourth instar



Then my newest additions. Was watching some monarchs landing on the milkweed outside one of our windows. Decided to check the plant for eggs. So naturally I have some monarch cats now too :lol:. They are of various sizes. This pic shows big one vs little one. These guys don't really change in appearance at all during their larva lives.

Wow!!! They are gorgeous. Do they go underground to change to their moth stage? And how long do they live as a moth? We had one that only lived 24 hours as a moth after all that... :sad: Hope these have a longer lifespan as a moth!
The cercropia are about 30 days old now. They are like mini Godzillas to trees. Just "NOM NOM NOM NOM" they are taking out whole branches in a day. They have been moved to larger housing outside. When you stand by their cages you can here them munching away. Most I believe are in their 5th instar

The will cocoon to undergo metamorphosis, they stay in their cocoons through the hard winters then emerge in spring. They don't live very long as moths I believe only a few weeks at most.



There are 6 monarch caterpillars. One did turn into a chrysalis two days ago and I still need to get pics of it. All the monarchs are various ages and they are split up cuz the big ones would literally eat the little ones out of the leaves. Last pic is of the caterpillar getting ready to turn into a chrysalis.


Why do you get the really big nice looking ones? I WANT SOME!!!!!!! I feel like a little child throwing a tantrum.... Maybe cause that's what i'm doing!

Alessa x.
Stunning, even if the first lot look creepy with their spikes.

Really interesting :good:

Cercropias are doing great. Big monsters! Cercropia have always been my favorite they are so neat looking and they have crazy feet. Their grip is amazing. You can't pull them off because, they stick like glue.



Monarchs are also doing well. I caught one today turning into a chrysalis which is a process I've never seen before. I have about a dozen of these guys now. In a few days half of them will be chrysalises. Here are pics from the changing process. Kinda gross, yet pretty fascinating. I swear I can see a butterfly in it when I look at the pics. Also caterpillars are the masters of pooping. That is a 2.5 gal tank. 4 mature monarchs, some leaves, and 48 hours = a ton of poop.





Finally it appears I am starting a collection. Cuz now there is a third type I have picked up. I'm not sure on a exact ID yet, but I have a guess. It's gonna stay a mystery though. This caterpillar is sorely out classed in pretty looks.

Well the first cercropia cocooned about a day ago, then 4 more followed suit tonight. Pretty shortly they should all be cocooned. I'm glad that they got this far, but also sad cuz they won't be coming out till next spring!

Most seem to be maxing out at around 4 inches, making them pretty #41#### big insects.



And this morning the first Monarch emerged from its chrysalis. More should be following fairly soon. Once she is fully ready for flight I'll give her some food. Then she is free to go. All these monarchs will probably stay local as there is still enough time for them to breed up here.



Cercropias are doing great. Big monsters! Cercropia have always been my favorite they are so neat looking and they have crazy feet. Their grip is amazing. You can't pull them off because, they stick like glue.



Monarchs are also doing well. I caught one today turning into a chrysalis which is a process I've never seen before. I have about a dozen of these guys now. In a few days half of them will be chrysalises. Here are pics from the changing process. Kinda gross, yet pretty fascinating. I swear I can see a butterfly in it when I look at the pics. Also caterpillars are the masters of pooping. That is a 2.5 gal tank. 4 mature monarchs, some leaves, and 48 hours = a ton of poop.





Finally it appears I am starting a collection. Cuz now there is a third type I have picked up. I'm not sure on a exact ID yet, but I have a guess. It's gonna stay a mystery though. This caterpillar is sorely out classed in pretty looks.


that last one looks like a bird **** :lol: prolly for camoflague but honestly couldnt it pick something less ugly lol

ps i know what it issss
it really is very cool
Well all the cercropias cocooned some time ago. I currently only have 3 caterpillars and I'm pretty sure they will be the last ones. I have 4 monarchs that have yet to emerge, I though they were going to stay up here for a while longer, but it seems like they have already begun their migration. This leaves me with only the 3 unidentified caterpillars, which I have identified as giant swallowtails. One have cocooned, 3 have yet to do so. These butterflies over-winter in their cocoons like the cercropia, they are the largest butterflies in the US. They form a odd sling/hanging cocoon. The caterpillars also look like snakes as they get older, they have a false tongue for self defense. If poked the stick it out and do their best to look like a snake. The also release a bad smell when you do this. Its only really noticeable with the larger caterpillars. It doesn't stink, but it defiantly is unpleasant.

I put up a couple videos. One of the cercropias here. Then the release on a monarch here.




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