Rainbowfish Queries.


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2008
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Hello, I am pretty set on having a rainbow fish set up, they are a beautiful fish. I already have 4 dwarf, 2 turquiose and 1 boesmani (the male sadly died a day after purchase).

Basically, I LOVE the boesmani, however I have a few queries about the colours of them. None that i've seen in fish shops have been in full colour other than those in a display tank.

I understand they don't truely colour up until they are older, which i'm guessing is true to all of the species.

^ With this in mind, is it best to find the biggest male I can and hope he colours up? Or buy small and wait for it to do so.

I am feeding my current residents with both flake and pellet food, and they also sometimes pick at the algae wafers my loaches have.

Also, how hardy are these fish? I currently have a 70L ( I know its not adiqute for the rainbows I currently have but i'm upgrading when I move). I'm currently doing a 20L water change weekly, is this sufficient?

Thanks for your help on the matter,

Those Ive had in the past and currently have, coloured up within a few days of getting into my tanks, the males being much more colourful of course. Indeed, the 70L is not big enough for the lacustris (turquoise) or the boesemani you have, so I wouldnt recommend adding to them until you have the larger tank. 1m to 2f is the recommended I believe, saying that I have 4 male boese and 1 female, 3 male lacustris and 2 female, the females are not harrassed in any way but the males have a bit of a squabble occassionally, just chasing and intense colours coming out.

If possible try to get new ones around the same size you already have, but if thats not possible, younger ones will be fine with the adults.

Try feeding bloodworm, brineshrimp, prawn etc occassionally as they love it. Personally Id up the water change to at least 50% weekly, but so long as your nitrAtes stay relatively low you should be fine.
Waterchanges do more than removing nitrates. You really can't judge waterchange intervals with nitrates when it comes to rainbows. Waterchanges replenish hundreds of different facotrs and compounds. Bows can be quite sensitive to these compunds.

Minx is right about the 50% waterchanges weekly, and that is the recommended minimum.
Ok, just 50% seems a lot, its half the aquarium lol. Is there a quick way to do them? I use a 10L bucket for my changes. Also is there a cheaper option to treating the water? I currently use Tetra Aquasafe. However this isn't cheap for the amount of water it treats.

A python is what I use for water changes, however on a 70L tank it isnt that difficult with a bucket and gravel cleaner.

Use pond dechlorinator, its cheaper and goes a looooooooooooooooooog way.
So with regards to buying the boesmani, in your opinion would I be best buying larger ones or smaller ones?
If you want only males then buy the ones that are showing the most color. Make sure you watch for any spots in the fins and for Columnaris

Keep their water clean and feed a varied diet of frozen, live (chopped earthworn fits in well), and a prepared staple food (like spirulina flakes as rainbows need about 70% vegetable matter in their diet).

After that, it's all gravy.
Okay, I have another question, as i've only ever done 20% water changes I only ever get the water temp. right to the touch, if that makes sense? I.e if it feels the correct temperature it is. Is this the way to do it?
As long as the new water is close (within a couple of degrees) you will be fine. I fill mine directly from the tap and have never had peoblems with this method.

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