Rainbowfish And Bettas


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
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Norfolk, England
do you think some threadfin or neon rainbow fish would be ok in my 30g with female bettas? i want to get rid of all the livebeares and want somethink to replace them.
and i heard that rainbowfish sometimes eat plants do you think they will eat my java ferns?
i knew my tank was big enough because i was going to get them before but i was more worried about how they would be with my female bettas
I would say that praecox should be ok with them and IME they dont eat Java Fern, but they will need some kind of veg in their diet.
well i normally add peas for the bettas and cucumber or the bns and upside down catfish so will they be ok with that or do i need more.
That will be fine, occassionally put in some soft lettuce leaves they may nibble on that and frogbit if you have any.

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