Rainbow Fish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
As you may have read I have a water supply with a very low Ph. So i've been looking for fish that tend to appreciate a lower Ph. I came accross the 'Praecox Rainbow' which i've read like a Ph of between 5.8 and 6.5, a lot closer to mine than any of the other fish I own. I was wondering if anyone had previously owned these fish and how they'd found them? :good:
I have them ,they are great fish,beautifal colours and really fun to watch.Very hardy as well as mine are in a pH of around 8.0
I have them ,they are great fish,beautifal colours and really fun to watch.Very hardy as well as mine are in a pH of around 8.0

Thanks cheesy feet, never thought i'd say that....again...! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty certain i'm going to order some tomorrow. What size are yours at the moment?
Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook these fabulous fish, as when they're kept in shop tanks, they don't show their best colours. Give them a couple of hours in a well-planted tank, though, and they look like completely different fish - although their metallic blue colour is best seen when the lights are off!.
Well i've ordered four so soon i'll be able to see for myself too. Thanks for the input guys. :good:
their loverly fish and easy to breed and in your Ph their do fine.
their loverly fish and easy to breed and in your Ph their do fine.

Thanks Helterskelter. Even though all my fish seem to be doing fine in my low Ph, I did want to get one that was actually 'meant' for my Ph. I can't wait for Tuesday now, thats the day i'm getting them. :nod:
I have them ,they are great fish,beautifal colours and really fun to watch.Very hardy as well as mine are in a pH of around 8.0

Thanks cheesy feet, never thought i'd say that....again...! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty certain i'm going to order some tomorrow. What size are yours at the moment?

Mine are fully grown,about two inches :good: .
Vancouver,i don't mean to be insulting but what kind of fish do you like?You said an oscar was annoying to own...?
i had a group of twelve. Very nice looking fish as they mature and settle. Males get an amzing creamy stripe down their face ine the mornings when they're after the ladies, but I didnt find them very interesting. Really nice lookers, peaceful, quite active, but just lacking a bit of personality IMO.
My four turned up today and they are some beautiful fish. As someone mentioned they look even better when the lights not on. The red fins and they're irridesent blue bodies show each other off really well. I'd recommend them to anyone who's interested in Rainbow fish. :good:
Rainbowfish are one of the most unsung yet WONDERFUL fish to own. As mentioned above, they don't look that great at the LFS and they are usually small. But wait until they grow. I have Boesemani and he is almost 4-5 inches in length and beautiful. I also have a red Irian and IT IS RED. I've just purchased a couple of blue rainbows and expect them to grow and color up as well.

They are good swimmers, usually mid-tank and hardy once established. They will eat almost anything and LOVE shelled peas. Using a good fish food and, again as above, a well-planted tank..well, check out their color. Also, observe them in the morning just after lights on. They are usually much darker in color.

I've kept mine at an average of pH 7, but, you will soon learn that many of our fish are very hardy and adaptable. If you acclimate them to the pH of your water, they should probably adjust and do fine.

Enjoy them.

PS....check out the TFF Index and see my two posts on each one above.


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