Rainbow Emperor Tetra(nematobrycon Lacortei)


Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
seattle WA USA
Hi. I'm wondering if anyone out here have experience of keeping Rainbow Emperor Tetra(Nematobrycon lacortei).
And I am not sure I should get a pair, trio or typical tetra group of 6. I read that the male can be territorial sometime.
I have been looking for these beautiful tetras for a while and I happen to see them at not so local fish store yesterday. And I read that the males have red eyes and females have green/blue eyes and I saw at the store that seems true.

Anyway, I would love to hear any experience of keeping and breeding as well as the recommendation of the number that I should get initially.

Thanks for your help.
Nobody? Nobody kept this fish or have them?
Well, I like the many hues of color they have and also their eye colors(males have red and females have green/blue. It doesn't any easier than that to sex fish) I will get some as soon as the quarantee tank become empty(I have some "Gold Neon Tetras" with some ick. Since nobody recommend either I should get a pair, trio, reverse trio or group. I think I would go with the group as most of the Tetras.

Anyway, I am still looking for the tips or experience you have with this fish. Thanks
like most tetras they do best in groups
the bigger the group the less 'aggression' is shown.
however they are one of the few tetras that can be kept on their own
like most tetras they do best in groups
the bigger the group the less 'aggression' is shown.
however they are one of the few tetras that can be kept on their own

Thanks The-Wolf,

I know I can count on you. It seems you are the one of the knowledgeable person, it comes to Characin. Probably some other fish also.

So what do you think? 6 would be good? And what ratio? 2M 4F? I heard the male can be territorial and can be aggressive. Or 1M 5F would be better.
Of course, I would like to try them to breed when they get matured.
So what do you think? 6 would be good? And what ratio? 2M 4F? I heard the male can be territorial and can be aggressive. Or 1M 5F would be better.
6 would be a nice group and 1m/5f sounds ideal
sexing juviniles is often difficult but as they get older it becomes easier
The male is higher backed, has longer fins, including an elongated dorsal fin. The male is much more colorful.

6 would be a nice group and 1m/5f sounds ideal
sexing juviniles is often difficult but as they get older it becomes easier
The male is higher backed, has longer fins, including an elongated dorsal fin. The male is much more colorful.


If I'm not wrong, they can sex pretty easy. Well at least the fish I saw at the store( they must be old enough). The males have red eyes and the females have green/blue colored eyes.

Anyway, thanks for your help I shall get them soon, maybe next week. I think they are pretty. :wub: Beside I don't think I ever see them around my local store.
I knew that applied to Nematobrycon palmeri but wasn't sure it also applied to
Nematobrycon Lacortei so i didn't mention it.
I suppose it would stand to reason they are similar in m/f properties

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