Rainbow Crab?


New Member
Feb 14, 2006
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My LFS was selling these roe about $20 and i thought they were really cool :D I'm planning on buying one but i dont know anything about them :( I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me about them (what they eat, how to set up the tank, temperature, etc...) All i know now is that there amphibious :lol: Im planning on just keeping one in a species tank. Thanks in advance :D and sry if anyone already answered this
They certainly are beautiful, but not friendly to fish or anything else really. I'd keep one in a min 3 foot tank, 2/3 land, 1/3 water. They are basically land crabs, though they do need water, they won't spend an awful lot of time in it, and it doesn't need to be deep. They get to about 6 to 8" across the carapace, these are not small crabs. the water needs good filtration as the are known to be messy eaters. They are scavengers eating most things they can get their claws on, remember to feed them veg matter as well as the usual meaty things, prawns, mussels, fish etc. temps for the tank should be between 22 and 25C and they will try to escape so remember a good lid is important.

Beautiful creatures, well worth keeping.
Thanks for all the info Moray :D How would i set up the filtration though, and would a standard 55g be big enough to house one?
yes that should be fine, you can buy filters that are made to lie down, I'd get one of those and then just put enough water in to make sure it's covered.

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