Rainbow Cichlid Eggs


The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, England
Well due to the hot weather we are having my tank temperature has gone up so my tank has quite alot of breeding going on. The first to get to laying eggs though are my rainbow cichlids so i'd thought i'd share some pics with you all.





I know some of the eggs are unfertilized but i'll remove them later as i only just noticed the eggs. I took the rock out to save the eggs from the rest of my fish. On another rock there are still about another 50 eggs.

The eggs are in my 3.5g i was using for my killi fry but i just moved them into my planted 3.5g tank.

And before someone says it I know these fish are easy to breed but I just wanted to share the pics.

Any comments?

As ive said before.. YAAAAAAY..
Also, so what if they are easy to breed? That doesn't mean they are anyless special. They are your babies, be proud! And you so know I want daily updates, with picture, everything! You never know, I may just adopt one :wub:
THats excellent !

So what if they are easy to breed ! You love them , I even love them ! :lol:

Keep us updated !
Looks like you might be over run with them ! If you have the space to raise them that is ?
I have some room lol, now is the time to ask my mum for a new tank so they have room to grow up :D

Well i have 6 rainbow cichlids in my 90g tank, and 4 of them are 2 breeding pairs and the other pair are gettting ready to lay aswel, I don't think i have room to save them though :/

My other pair of rainbow cichlids were defended a flower pot so I had allook guess what i found more eggs :D


Each little dot is an egg ! there's 100's on the flower pot and 100's on the rock. The eggs on the flower pot were from a female about 2" long where as the other pair are like 4"+

Wow, 2 spawns in 1, 2 days ?

Best to focus on the one spawn that you pulled ?

Are you just gonna leave the other spawn with the parents and hope for the best ?
Both spawns on one day so i put both in the little fry tank :S what the hell am i going to do with all these fish when they hatch ?

Use the ugly brown tank! yes its ugly AND its brown, but you could half them to give them more room. :wub:
Sorry no pics of parents as they are downstair and those pics are off the webcam in my room as i have no digi cam :(

that's exactly why you haven't seen it lol it's ugly brown plastic.

OOOO, that small 3.5 gal tank must be swarming with them !, once they are freeswimming that is

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