Rainbow And Bettas


New Member
Aug 8, 2009
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Can i add a betta to my tank i have got 6 rainbow fish at the moment.
Most Rainbows like lots of water flow and betta's don't.
However they should get along fine, unless you have a long finned rainbow like the thread fins which may annoy a male betta
That's a combination I've never tried before. I would say that they should get along fine, but as you know, fish have different individual personalities and your mileage may vary.
My betta gets along great with my neons. My betta also doesn't mind the water flow either. He goes to a far corner of the tank where the water motion is the least to "sleep". Otherwise, he's all over the tank.

I agree with Helter, be sure not to put any long finned fish in there like guppys. They are much more likely to have problems with those.
I'd be surprised if you don't have trouble getting food to the betta. Rainbows are quite fast when food is in the water.
I'd be surprised if you don't have trouble getting food to the betta. Rainbows are quite fast when food is in the water.

Yeah, I have Zebra Danios, the Tetras, and the Betta all competing for surface feeding the Danios are super fast but I spread the food out and they all get their fill. I usually start the feeding when the Betta comes up for a breath so I know he gets something to start. Then the frenzy begins... But, my Betta is not shy about claiming a chunk out of a bottom feeder pellet fo a snack too!

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