I've just adopted a 9 month old rabbit from a friend who could no longer look after him. I've wanted some guinea pigs for ages and thought that I could get one to keep my rabbit Steven company. I've read up on it and asked many people and the response it very mixed with one website saying that the rabbit could be too aggressive towards the guinea pig. Does anyone have any past experience of putting these two animals together?
hello Mrs H
Its nice to hear that you have chosen to take on the rabbit
However it is not a good idea to get the guinea pigs to live with the rabbit,
Sadly the animals basic needs are not identical and one would suffer. Guinea pigs have very different dietary needs requiring large amounts of fresh fruit and veg to acquire the correct amounts of Vitamin C. compared to the diet of a rabbit that is a bulk feed of hay to aid their specialist digestive process and the occasional greens to supplement their diet.
It is important that rabbits are fed a ready mixed meal that does not give them choice to pick out the sugary sweet seeds - as these will make them ill in large quantities. rabbits should be fed a pelleted mix that is scientifically made to ensure that each pellet contains the correct balance to keep the animal healthy - this stops picky eaters. However this also means the food is not suitable for guinea pigs.
Also rabbits do grow large (what breed is Steven?) and they are likely to injure the guinea pigs when they get excited.
Guinea pigs and rabbits do not share many behavioural similarities beyond being herd/pack and flight animals. They do not understand each other intricate means of communication meaning that they could injure each other if they misread their reactions.
I have kept guinea pigs for 15 years and i have owned rabbits for 7. I have had rabbits and guinea pigs living in the same hutch - however they had separate quarters divided by reinforced mesh that meant they could see each other as company but not reach each other meaning i could control their feeding etc. this also meant that they were used to each other company and when allowed out to run around the garden they did not attack each other or see each other as a threat.
I hope this helps - if you would like any other help feel free to message me; i will check back to this post. I have a lot of personal experience with small mammals; I have completed a national diploma in animal management and i am doing a degree in behaviour and welfare.
good luck!