R. O. Water And Salty Shrimp For Blueberry Neocaridina Heteropoda

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Did he mention anything about replacing ones that didn't make it?
No, fm, unfortunately he didn't and I couldn't really argue about the sudden change in water conditions since he'd been talking about a completely different shrimp.
Am putting it down to the betta being in the tank going into "Jaws" mode and stalking them before the 1st one disappeared, not sure what happened to the 2nd one other than I saw it being swallowed by an assassin snail. The tank they are/were in is a mature tank, in fact it was the first one I had so there should have been plenty algae and uneaten food particles to keep them going. Also have been sprinkling a little crushed flake in there since they didn't seem to like the shrimp pellets!
Have ordered 3 more and will put them all in the micro tank when they arrive (4 in total all being well).
Will then rearrange the tanks' occupants back to where they were before with the exception of the amanos all going in the platy tank, the betta will be returned to the 30L along with the zebra snails.
They are beautifully coloured wee creatures, I can see why you want more. Surely you can squeeze in more than 4 even in a micro tank!!! 8-10 would be more like a breeding group. Then when they start breeding, you can send the babies to meeeee!
Seriously though, it'd be interesting to find out all of the water stats that your supplier (Kesgrave?) keeps and then trying to match as close as possible with your micro tank.
I guess I am being a little conservative since I've read that really they should have a minimum of 15L and the micro is only 11.5L allowing for all the equipment so I thought I'd go easy and hope that they can thrive in there.
I'm not really wanting to start manipulating the water parameters other than doing water changes - I reckon I'd probably get into a right pickle. If this next batch don't make it I'll have to give up on them I think. I hope they do make it tho!
I'd be more than happy to let you have some if indeed they do breed altho for now I'd be happy just to have them survive!
One step at a time I suppose, eh?!
Best of luck and let us know how they are with some lovely pictures, too!
I've got a desk lamp that is 20w and I'm planning to leave it on over the micro tank for a few days to encourage algae growth so that the newbies have a bit more to feed on once they get here. I know it won't mature the tank that much, but every little helps I guess.
Can anyone foresee any problems with keeping the light on all the time for a few days?
Will do, fm!
Can't see any harm in that at all...
Alternatively, you could save some electricity and stick it right next to a window for some direct sunlight action.
It is about 2ft from a window at the moment and can't really get it any closer. The algae must be microscopic tho the zebra snails seem to be finding something to munch on that I can't see. Just want to make sure the little shrimp have plenty to go at since it's not a mature tank yet.
Some people have newly set-up shrimp tanks don't they so I don't know why I'm worrying. Must be the recent losses making me a bit nervous.
Had to rejig the tanks quicker than I thought as the platy and betta had been fighting in the 60L
Long story short - the betta and all the snails are now in the 30L,
The little blue shrimp is in the micro tank.
The amanos are back in the 60L.
More details in my 12L Micro Tank journal.
The R.O. situation doesn't exist any longer so I think I will continue the blue shrimp saga in there if anyone is wanting to follow the story.

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