1. What strains of discus do you have?
I have 3 Red Turks, 2 Blue Diamonds, 1 Marbolo and 2 Red Dragon (basically a variant in the Turk strain), making 8 in total
2. What is your feeding pattern for discus and what foods do you give them?
I feed 2 times a day minimum, but 4 times most days. After lights on, they get Vipakraft Discusin pellets, then 2-3hours later (if I'm in, sooner/later if not) they get a cube of tropical Quintette, then there is a semester period to reduce the algea where lights go off for 2 hours, then after lights on again, there is another frozen food feed, followed by more pellets before lights out. If I am out most of the day, the frozen food gets scratched from the diet

The Vipakraft Discusin is basically cheap TetraPrima. It's even made at the same address
3. Do you use automatic feeders?
No. They don't work with frozen food, which is an important part of a Discus diet, and they are also reportedly rather unreliable...
4. What fish do you recommend to keep with Discus in a amazon biotope?
Rummynose Tetra, Cardinal tetra and Neons are the most common. Basically anything that is slower moving and small (not too small or it will become expencive fish food

) from that area should be fine. I also have Corry Adolfi with mine, but I cannot rember where they origionate... Harlequins are nice also, but not shure again of their origins
5. How many discus would you recommend for a 200litre tank?
Hum, 44.4... UK gallons, or about 60US is often rather long and not too tall... What dimentions do you have on it? Usualy you go on US gallons, and the guide is 1 Discus per 10g, so 6 would be the advisable maximum. As ever, that is just a guideline, so there is some flexibility in it. 5 would be your absolute safe and advisable minimum, so 5-7 would be a reasonable number. 5 allows for dither fish upto 15-20 of them. 6 says limited numbers of dither fish. 7 says Discus only