R.I.P. Little Cory


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
I bought 4 peppered cories the other day....SOOO cute and very interactive. One of them was a bit shier than the rest however he was eating well and had no symptoms of illness or disease.

I found him dead this morning in one of my plants :byebye:

I had only had them 4 days, not even I could kill a fish that quickly :p

The other guys are doing well, driving the platies and the bnoses crazy :S

Another LFS near me had albino cories last week.....I think a trip there is in order today to replace the little guy that died....
R.I.P. little guy.
Hi Angry_Platy

I'm sorry to hear your cory died. :byebye:

It's good that the others are doing well though. Sometimes the change is too much for them, especially if they recently made the adjustment to the tank at the lfs.

I'm sure you will have better luck if you get albinos. :D

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