R.i.p~ Bub


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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Bub is my biggest Crayfish i had him for 2 years and he was 2 1/2 inches (6.3 cm) and he grew up to be a 6 in (15.24cm ) monster with 2 inch claws :rolleyes: ! he was a beautiful blue. he was going to be brown if he made it. he was molting, lost an arm and died over night. i think what happened was his claw/ arm was not ready to molt but his body was. instead of loosing both claws (it happens sometimes) and surviving..... he died :blink: i have always said that i want an extra tank and i want one cray and i should have no got another, but i know i would not be happy with out the crays. so now i am left with the hardest choice: Do i get another cray or make it a goldfish or tropical tank???. i really want a marbled crayfish- they clone them selves, this is how they reproduce. or maybe i could get a red cray that i saw a a fish store that i was drooling over... :drool: . of course the red one would be more beautiful than the marbled, but the marbled has been on my " pet bucket list". :rolleyes: i would have no clue what to put the tank if i got tropicals either.... ????

so here are some pics:

the first time i looked in from coming home:
crays are supposed to molt in one piece... so this was the stage for something to go wrong.

a close up (i couldnt figure out what was at the base of his legs. it might have been something internal that got ripped out during the bad molt:

what i woke up to this morning (he is dead and i do not leave my lights on all night! turned them on to get a better look) :

he color change (the blue was his old color, brown was new... he was brown when i first got him then with every molt he got bluer and bluer) :

(all following pics are for internet- not mine! :) )
this is a marbled cray:


with eggs:


similar looking cray to the one i saw at the fish store:

was the same color as this one! :wub:

so do you think i should do a cray or tropical tank?

thanks for reading :)
I'm sorry for your loss :(

The red ones have a really intense colour, though the marbled ones have rather intricate patterns. I think either would be nice if you go for another one.
i think i will get a marbled... ever since i knew they existed, i wanted one!! but i still have to think about it :rolleyes:
I used to help out look after a set of fish tanks at work (in hospital waiting rooms) and one had a crayfish in it. One morning the poor thing was suddenly dead for no apparent reason. The receptionist wrote the following eulogy and taped it to the side of the tank:
I was very concerned about Reggie since it came to us.
I was most alarmed to see it with its legs up in the air.

Anyway, sad that another one has gone to the riverbed in the sky. :sad:
well the sad part is that i am now 100% sure that his claws were not developed underneath (thats why he lost an arm). not to sound like a sick freak, but when the crays molt i take only the hollow claws off the skeleton to see how much they grew and well... to keep for memories (kind of like how i keep my birds feathers when they loose them). this time i asked my dad to take the claw off of the arm. i thought it would just come off but it didnt and my dad took the "meat" out of the claw which revealed a brown floppy claw :sick: :sick: when i get my hands on some foam i will make a mini display of the claws. i also have hit exoskeleton tail :-( i will miss him a lot... :rip: :byebye:

but... i did ordered a marbled crayfish from ebay. i will empty the tank and bake the gravel to prep for the new arrival. and you can expect a photo journal of the cray eggs and babies when she has some!!! ;)
:rip: sorry for your loss. Looking forward to the new pictures - the marbling is beautiful, I can see why you like them!

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