Quickie About A Cory!


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Birmingham/Leicester(Term time), UK
Hiya all,atm ive got one peppered cory catfish in a 30litre tank!I know, there best if groups, but wasnt told this when i bought them ages ago by the stupid lfs, but it has been doing fine tho. I now wanna add a couple more, obviously dont wanna overload the 30l tank, but was just wondering if the peppered cory would be ok shoaling with others of its own, such as the bronze cory, panda cory etc, or would it do better with more peppered corys. Reason being, I like tohave a mix, and this cute lil peppered cory has its own personality and dont wanna mistake it for another peppered cory, so would rather have them diff colours!!
i've seen cories shoaling with other species of cories, but thats when they were all juveniles. for adult i think they would shoal, only because they are the only ones of their species. if they are in pairs, i doubt they would bother about other species, unless they have been there for a long time.
They will be happy if you get them any Cory company, but they will be happiest with their own species. They will be at their best and most loveable in a tribe of peppers.
Cool. Im thinkin of getting at least 1 other peppered then and a couple of a different species. I ideally would have more peppered, but because its such a small tank, and the base has a low surface area already for them to "vacuum", it would get waaay overcroweded
I originally had 2 bronze and 2 peppers. 1 of my bronze died and the other was left on its own- it was fine at first but didnt shoal with the peppers at all. then it went through some stress when i had to change my tank- due to a leak- and it started to hide all the time and stopped eating. it wasn't until i bought another couple of bronzes which he shoaled with that he came back to his original chirpiness! he's much happier now... having said that it was an extreme case!!oh- and i forgot to add- i can tell all my cories apart real easily. their colours and patterns have a subtle difference- and they have different growing rates

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