Quick Stocking Question

Darn, was hoping you knew of another decent one nearby, I find discovery's variety to be pants, HoP to have just too many issues, pets@home is awful (I used once, got ich). Dobbies is alright, the old guy in there reasonably knows his stuff.

I have been at a proper loss since Ultimate Aquatics closed to be honest.

I did check out Strictly Aquatics in Kircaldy (next to Strictly Exotics in the high street) but it had just opened at the time and only had a dozen tanks filled.
I prefer discovery, Guys are nice and always give me discounts as I shop there often!
40-50 tanks of tropical is a wide choice of fish, More than most shops and around the same as any maidenhead store really.
It's just pot luck for fish.
I will agree the staff are decent. Did some nice deals getting substantial discounts on emergency purchases (had to buy a 10% uvb CFL fast for a reptile and got it for a price better than I could find online for example.)

My recent 3' reflector also cost the same as my best find on ebay.
Yea, Love discovery. It's nice to support the local stores anyway from the big companies like P@H anyway.
I might just keep the betta for now till I find somewhere to get some fish or even upgrade the tank size.
Yes Techen, completely right about supporting local stores!

Plus although not local to me, they have fantastic prices on their tanks.

I was hoping as you are a regular, they may have ordered a type of fish in for you? I know my local store has always said they will order in for me as they have the option of only ordering a certain number rather than a whole tanks worth.
A while back they said to me they could get common fish in normally by the end of the following week.

I was looking at their tanks last weekend, im half tempted to buy one just for the glass, cannot get the glass at that price!
I live the opposite end of the country and they posted to me, very friendly on phone, lovely :)
I buy there clearseal tanks. Got my 40L for 20 quid :p
Shelster said:
I live the opposite end of the country and they posted to me, very friendly on phone, lovely
I just wish they would sort out their website. Same with House of Pisces, they just have every fish in the world listed with "TBC" on prices and "online ordering in the new year" since 2009.

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