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to test it you simply turn the power off and see how full the sump gets. :)
Well then you did something right :D

i did it all right if its working lol. but i still dont see how this sump is going filter my tank :crazy: but hopefully soon get it going better!

just a question why would i get bubbles comeing down the intake?
The water rushing down the pipe from the main aquarium is collecting air and dragging it down the pipe with it. There are various methods employed to stop/reduce this. Google
Durso Standpipes and you will come across some mods people have made to them to reduce air and noise levels.
The water rushing down the pipe from the main aquarium is collecting air and dragging it down the pipe with it. There are various methods employed to stop/reduce this. Google
Durso Standpipes and you will come across some mods people have made to them to reduce air and noise levels.
Thanks tbh there is no noise from the main tank just the bubbles popping in the sump witch is nuffthink! can it be bad to had bubbles comeing down??? its not worrying me? and there no bubbles getting thur the bubble stop in the sump? i will google search now :)
Bubbles coming down the drain line indicate it's working properly and not a problem for the sump, good work :) Remember, it's the Chaeto that you're going to add and grow wich will help filter your tank.
Bubbles coming down the drain line indicate it's working properly and not a problem for the sump, good work :) Remember, it's the Chaeto that you're going to add and grow wich will help filter your tank.
Thanks!! how many grams of chaeto you think i will need? would it be good to get some of this mud stuff or just a coral sand bed ok??

there other plants on ebay that say good for in the sump?? are these like cheato?


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I would not go down the mangrove route. They need LOTS of light, like halides or high powered T5's. They can make a really cool display refigium, but they're a little tough for the beginner to keep properly
Most sumps normally have some prefilter material (filter wool) under the drain pipe (which gets cleaned every week), and this traps gunk and prevents it from getting into the actual sump. Then the sump has lots of rock or macro algae (Caulerpa) in it and as the water passes over and through this stuff, the bacteria living on it filters the water. The algae also consumes ammonia, nitrite & niotrate and uses it to grow. Over time the algae grows so much that you have to thin it out. When you remove the algae from the sump you are removing nutrients that have been trapped by it and thus are removing the nutrients from the system.
Most sumps normally have some prefilter material (filter wool) under the drain pipe (which gets cleaned every week), and this traps gunk and prevents it from getting into the actual sump. Then the sump has lots of rock or macro algae (Caulerpa) in it and as the water passes over and through this stuff, the bacteria living on it filters the water. The algae also consumes ammonia, nitrite & niotrate and uses it to grow. Over time the algae grows so much that you have to thin it out. When you remove the algae from the sump you are removing nutrients that have been trapped by it and thus are removing the nutrients from the system.

Just had a quick look on ebay! soo meny chocies what thinkness is best? think or thin lol.. thort i better ask to make sure!
most people I know use 1inch thick dacron or filter wool. but it doesn't really matter too much. If it is less than 1 inch thick then you get a lot more rubbish going through it. If you go more than a couple of inches thick the material costs you a small fortune.
Hi, got my cheato today do i rip it all apart so its nice a thin and spread it all over the middle part of the sump? or leave it nice a thick?

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