Quick Reply Please!


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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With my sump i need the 3rd section to get higer water lever as i cant dwornd my pump so its makeing nasty noises!

i will try post a pic of my sump asap but please quickish reply As i have no filter
just add some more water to the sump and see if that helps. If it doesn't then the pump is too powerful and causing the sump to run dry. You might need to increase the amount of water draining from the tank into the sump. Or reduce the things that are slowing the flow of water through the sump.
just add some more water to the sump and see if that helps. If it doesn't then the pump is too powerful and causing the sump to run dry. You might need to increase the amount of water draining from the tank into the sump. Or reduce the things that are slowing the flow of water through the sump.
Iv pmd you :good:
Try turning the pump off and see how full the sump gets. If the sump only fills up half way when the power is off, you can add some more water to it to fill it up. Then there should be more water for the pump. If the sump fills up completely when the power is turned off then it won't help and you will need to get more water draining into it from the tank.

Sumps can cause tanks to lose a lot of water due to evaporation. A coverglass on the sump can significantly reduce water loss and help keep the water levels stabile.
Try turning the pump off and see how full the sump gets. If the sump only fills up half way when the power is off, you can add some more water to it to fill it up. Then there should be more water for the pump. If the sump fills up completely when the power is turned off then it won't help and you will need to get more water draining into it from the tank.

Sumps can cause tanks to lose a lot of water due to evaporation. A coverglass on the sump can significantly reduce water loss and help keep the water levels stabile.

Thanks i did that and it only filled up half way! so i mite try adding some more water!! do i add the water with the pump off or it all going? am greatfull for the help! its really fustrating!!!!
Turn the pump off and leave it for a few minutes. Then once the water has stopped draining from the tank into the sump, you can then fill up the sump. This way you only get enough water into the sump for it to run properly and you won't have a flood if you lose power.
It seems to be going ok now! with pump on its at half way! with the pump off (power failour) it does rise but not enuff to overflow and still penty room just incase.... i have pics i will upload them and post eaither hear or new thread .. tho i seem to be makeing alot of threads and i dont wana get told off.
you've only got 206 posts. I don't think they are going to worry too much about you :)

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