Quick replies needed please.......


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I want to put my 3 inch goldfish in this "new" 10gallon tank and I was hoping :X that I could buy some Cold Mountain Minnows to go with??? It will be a coldwater tank........

Hey, are there any other coldwater fish that will go with a goldfish???

Does anyone know if goldfish will eat these guys??? I was thinking 6 or 7 with my Goldfish and that will be a full tank!!.......do you think there would be room for some dwarf cories.............????

Should I disinfect the tank and decor with bleach??? I was thinking about just filling the tank up up in the bathtub and just puting some bleach in the water.....then I was going to put all the decor in there and disinfect it too and start up the undergravel :crazy: filter and let the bleach water go through it.....of course I will rinse it thouroughly.........

Does anyone know how these undergravel filters work.......I sort of had to put it together myself :crazy: :dunno: I'm just hoping I did it right!!!! :S It is a two part thing.......... kind of like this:


Now, each tube thing that you see is suppose to connected to pumps right??

I suppose I will try and find some of these: (since I don't know what make the undergravel filter(s) are)

Any comments or information would be GREATLY appreciated!!! :nod:
IME, goldfish eat anything that can fit in their mouth...no matter how hard it is to fit in :D Now wheres the pig smiley... :lol:
Darn IT!!!! If that's the case then that is REALLY gonna PI$$ me OFF!!! :sad: :lol:

I wanted some schooling fish, some tiny ones and those are the only coldwater ones I could think!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me about the undergravel filters.......I know they are not very good, but I figure that I could use it for a couple of months until I get a nicer filter! :nod:

I just don't know if I hooked it up right!?????

I'm gonna go rinse out my tank and do a little scrubbing.........
Thats true but ive seen some goldfish Mived with Neons -_-

i forgot who it was :)
Why do you want a gold fish? just get 10 WCMMs or you could get like 5 sticklebacks the gold fish wont be able to eat them but more seriously you cant even keep 1 goldfish in a 10 gallon let alone 1 GF and a few others.

Looks like in the picture the ug filter is set up right... Yup, just attach an air supply to both of the tubes and you'll be set.

*edit* I might point the powerheads more towards the front of the tank to provide for better circulation.
Thanks for the replys!

I already have a goldfish in a 2.5 gallon so I'm not "planning" on getting one, I already have him!!! :p ;) So this would be a major upgrade for him, but I think I'm gonna keep him where he's at.....(he was a present for my son, with an even SMALLER tank than the 2.5, it was like 1 gallon or something) I upgraded him to the one he's in and threw the other out :lol: My sister understood :nod: :X

I've decided to move my gold gourami in there.......he is CONSTANTLY picked on by ALL the other fish. Don't know why, but he's in really bad shape these days. I will probably add a few cories and a few WCMMs just to make it "pretty". Maybe dwarf cories?? But my Gold Grm. will most definitly LOVE being alone.....I think I'll even have to treat the tank with meds after I put him in there.....he looks REALLY bad and his gills are even turning a pink color.....not really the gills themselves, but behind the gills :-( Damn Fish Anyways........

Oh, and that picture isn't actually mine :no: It's a picture off of the net that resembles my setup greatly.

Well, I'm going to go put some tank water and gravel from my 30 in it and turn on the heater to get it ready for the little guy!! He's gonna be SOOOO HAPPY!!!
I think you should get a bigger set-up for the goldfish if you are not going to add him to the new 10. Goldfish need much more room than 2.5galls, they actually need a minimum of 10galls per goldfish!

I have goldfish in a 37UK and I am giving them away to someone tomorrow to live in a pond. IMHO only fancy goldfish can be kept in anything other than a pond or 'grow out' tank and need 15galls per fish.

So, basically IMO you'll need to get the goldfish a new set-up. You could add a few peppered cories to the tank if you wanted, if it's a reasonable size.
I know about the goldfish needed more room.....is it because they are messy!?? Because mine isn't!!! :dunno:

I had to make a quick decision on the Gold Gourami and so I stuck him in there with a chunk of old filter media and he is SOOOO happy now.

So I guess the old "Gold fish in a bowl" thing is really bad huh?? I wonder how many people.....probably millions......have goldfish in 1 gallon bowls :-(

I know it isn't ideal......but he is happy and he isn't very big, 3 inches maybe, and I guess I still have that mindset that it's okay to keep them in bowls.....
I know, I know, it's really bad but at least it's a 2.5 gallon long!! He was in a 2 gallon Hexagon tall and I recently put him in this........so I'll get him there........just give me a little more time :nod: ;)

Thanks guys!
If it aint messy you don't have a gold fish but thats not the reason (there messynes simply requires lots of water changes)

The main reason that they require so much space is because they are 12 inch long fish (even fancies are 10 inches long) And I'm sure that you know how unhealthy dwarfing can (seeing as how it is about the meanest thing you can do to a fish short of keeping it in tap water) be so I won't go into it.

Hi silver, :)

Your goldfish will need a bigger tank and the sooner the better. It would be a shame to stunt its growth by keeping it in a small one. But you already know that. :nod:

What I wanted to say is that weather loaches and African Clawed Frogs go well with goldfish and are a combination you might want to think about in the future.

I had a similar assortment in a 55 gallon tank for quite a while, and found it to be a very enjoyable, and very active group. :D
THANKS Inchworm........weather loaches.......hmmmmm :shifty: :nod: Good Idea!!

I still don't really understand about the goldfish........so even though I've had mine for 3 years and he hasn't grown ANY at all since the time I got him.........he will grow to be a FOOT LONG someday!!!! :S How wierd!!!
I don't really understand!! :no: :dunno:
The next tank I get for him will probably be a 5 gallon long. I don't know about anything bigger than that!??? At least not for a while anyhow!

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