I have a question that hopefully one of you Betta experts can answer!
I rescued a Crowntail Betta from the fish store about 2 weeks ago. He's totally healthy now, and since I don't really have room for him, I am giving him to Guppygirl (another member on here). She's said she can't quarantine him, because her tank is full, so I was wondering if there is anything I can do for him while he is still here? She said a broad antibacterial/antifungal treatment would be good....so what could I use? Or should I use anything, since he is already healthy?
If he's perfectly healthy, I would say you can just let him go on to his new home without doing anything further. If you've had him for 2 weeks and he seems healthy, he probably is.
It sounds like she'll be keeping him in a tank with other fish? And if so, what are they?
Yeah, he seems much happier now. He looked so sad in his little cup...he had a little puppy dog face. Now he's very very active....very much a people Betta. He watches everything...the cats, the dogs, us. I'll miss him...I get so attached to them!
I'm glad it is that way too. It's funny though, people come over to my house, and I say (for example) "This is Fire Crystal, he's very sparky and very outgoing". And they give me this Look like...you know how your fish act?
Here's a picture of Bob, (The one I was talking about) if you want to see him:
People do look at you funny at first when you talk about your fish like you would a dog or cat. They are just unenlightened. My boss now asks me for daily updates on BettaMomma's Louis. (He calls him by name by the way.)