Quick Question


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Washington D.C.
Hi everyone, :)

I have a question that hopefully one of you Betta experts can answer!

I rescued a Crowntail Betta from the fish store about 2 weeks ago. He's totally healthy now, and since I don't really have room for him, I am giving him to Guppygirl (another member on here). She's said she can't quarantine him, because her tank is full, so I was wondering if there is anything I can do for him while he is still here? She said a broad antibacterial/antifungal treatment would be good....so what could I use? Or should I use anything, since he is already healthy?

If he's perfectly healthy, I would say you can just let him go on to his new home without doing anything further. If you've had him for 2 weeks and he seems healthy, he probably is. :)
It sounds like she'll be keeping him in a tank with other fish? And if so, what are they?
Okay, thanks!

She's going to be keeping him in his own planted 5 Gallon. I'm pretty sure there are no other fish in there.

Sorry if I was misleading about the tank being full....I ment her quarantine tank had other fish in it right now. :*)
Oh, wow - he's one lucky little guy then! :)
I'd say he's ready to go whenever.

Nice job rescuing him - I'm sure he's a much MUCH happier guy now.
Okies, thanks so much for your help!

Yeah, he seems much happier now. He looked so sad in his little cup...he had a little puppy dog face. :wub: Now he's very very active....very much a people Betta. He watches everything...the cats, the dogs, us. I'll miss him...I get so attached to them! :lol:
Isn't it amazing how such a teeny little creature can make you get so attached?
I never suspected it'd be that way. I'm so glad it is though.
Yep, it's pretty amazing. :wub:

I'm glad it is that way too. It's funny though, people come over to my house, and I say (for example) "This is Fire Crystal, he's very sparky and very outgoing". And they give me this Look like...you know how your fish act? :lol:

Here's a picture of Bob, (The one I was talking about) if you want to see him:
People do look at you funny at first when you talk about your fish like you would a dog or cat. They are just unenlightened. My boss now asks me for daily updates on BettaMomma's Louis. (He calls him by name by the way.) :rolleyes:

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