quick question


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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what is bogwood? i mean i suppose it coudl be wood from a bog...but what if you dont live near a bog, and supposedly corys really like bogwood?
then again maybe its not from a bog and just has an ill fitting name...;)

This link may help. :D

edit. Sorry I found a link few weeks ago that explained how bogwood was created in bogs and peat etc. it had full history of bogwood. Can't find it on net at moment but above link may help.
Yes i agree, although it can be expensive, I would buy bogwood from lfs to be sure I am getting right stuff and wood that is mean to be in fish tank.
thanks guys!
those links should help tons, i just got 3 little pepper corys today and im going to get some wood for them as soon as i can, to add to the hiding places i have already.
theyre so cute! tough little armoured guys...

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