Quick Question


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Ok, I've breed once before, quite sucessfully, but they were 2 seasoned bettas, had done this before. Now I'm attempting to spawn 2 bettas who have never spawned before. They've been together for 2 days now, they flare and flirt and follow each other, they seem to be getting on great. The girlie has very prominent verticle breeding stripes and is very eggy. They're in 80 degree water, but the male hasn't even attempted a bubble nest. SHould I just give them more time?? Could he be unsure of what to do?? Any suggestions would be great!! Thanks!!
How old is the male? Sometimes they can feel somewhat daunted by it all, hence the trouble I had with one of my CT boy. He was just too young and frightened of the big older girl. :lol:
The pair I'm doing now are first timers. But I knew he knew how to build a decent bubblenest before I tried them. He's a happy and willing nester without a female around so went into overdrive when there was!
If he's not a big nester it may not matter. I know some don't build much of a nest.
How long were they conditioned for? She might be ready but he may not.
Give them more time yet anyway. Mine went in together last friday and it's only today that they're actually attempting to spawn so....maybe first time nerves. ;)

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