Quick Question


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

was just wonderin could any saltwater fish b kept in a 15uk gallon tank??

if so wat type??

I have a 10 UK gallon nano and have a pair of small african clowns in there. They will eventually outgrow it but for now they are happy.
You could keep some percs or better still a couple of gobies. A royal gramma or some other type of dottyback would be fine too. (not all of them at once of course)
ok thanx alot

does anyone else have ideas of wat could go in there or r they the only ones??

also how many fish can live in there??

thanx alot
1) purple or a common firefish
2) neon gobies
3) yashia haze/pistol shrimp combo
4) tailspot or two spot blenny
5) clown goby

thanx what would use lot keep in a tank this size??

wat fish??
how many fish??
clean up crew??

thanx alot
In a 10 gallon you will need 10 cleanup crew

No more than 3 fish, preferrably 2 and these must remain small.

I would keep a pair of common clowns and perhaps a royal gramma or a purple firefish
well its a 15uk gallon tank

if i was to get a pair of common clowns then wat else could i put in there with them??

also what clean up crew should i use??

thanx alot
15 gallons means 15 cleanup crew...

No real exact calculations really but how about...

1 Cleaner shrimp
7 Hermits (Red Leg)
7 Snails.

Make sure you have plenty of spare shells for rhe hermits as they grow or they will mug the snails for the ons they have.

15 Gallons...

Pair of Common clowns or perhaps skunks if you fand any

Cherub Angel

Leopard Wrasse


And that really is pushing the limit :*)

I might add that these fish should be added all at once...

add the clowns first... then the firefish, then the cherub and then the wrasse... or possibly the wrasse before the cherub.. these can be switched

Leave about 2 or 3 weeks before each purchase to be sure of stable conditions
kl that sounds gd

anyone else no what they would keep in there??

plzz let me no id like to no a few different ideas to choose from

thanx alot
that's the point.
there really isn't a lot of choice for such a small tank.

I would go for a pair of smallish clowns, and maybe a goby/shrimp pair.

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