Quick Question About Hole In The Head Disease


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Hey I was just wondering if hole in the head disease is and external parasite that will affect other cichlids or is it some thing one fish gets the other should not if the parasite has been killed?
It's very debatable. Some say it's caurse by an exturnal parasite. IME it only crops up where poor diet or poor water quality exists. If you have this problem, test the water and post the diet you are giving to what animal for review. HITH has also been linked to Carbon dust getting into the tank :nod:
problem is oscar's esp captive breed ones are very easy candidates for hith,like flys to cow dung :shifty:
Seriously as said its down to diet and water quality and i have also heard alot about carbon in filters causing this to start,,,,I think you should be ok with other different species of fish, just care for the oscar and keep up on good quality waterchanges and filteration has to be good.....once they have it if it was bad the creators will be there forever, if it was a very mild case more than likely heal over :good:

so you dont think I should put the oscar in another tank the hole in the head was a bit severe so I dont want to infect the other fish??? The growth of the crators stopped though

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