Quick Question About A Possible Addition


Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Croydon, Surrey
Ok well i just came back from my holiday and i went to the lfs to buy some treats for the fishies when i saw a snowflake eel. It is about 6 inches and i was wondering if i could add this eel to my reef. My current inhabitants are a midas blenny, bicolour angel and a honey damsel which is about 3-4 inches in size. The only other inhabitants are a few river shrimp and a 1 inch hermit crab. I have a six foot tank being readied for a reef so this would only be a temporary home. They are holding him for me until the end of tomorrow so if anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated.
Guessing you mean a snowflake moray????...eventual size of around 3 feet....say goodbye to any crabs , shrimps, etc for starters..then potentially most of your smaller fish. If in a tank based around him and other larger fish you will be fine...a long as it decides to stay in the tank and not go walk about. Will not annoy any corals but so in that respect is reef safe......

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