Most stem plants are beginner friendly so things like Ludwigia, Rotala, Bacopa, Hygrophilia, Wisteria, Elodea, Cabomba.
Then there's things like Cryptocoryne (I'd go for the Wendtii range for beginners, nice and easy and look nice too!) Java ferns, Amazon swords, Vallis in some cases, Sagittaria and Anubias.
Those few listed, if you pick a few you like you should have a great base to a planted tank and with basic Fertiliser and liquid CO2 dosing (Vallis doesnt like liquid CO2 in my experiences!), nice and healthy, green plants.
Remember though that red varieties like Ludwigia Repens need high lighting to stay red, and with high lighting that can mean algae if fert dosing isn't high enough to compensate.
Hope this helps.