As of now, I have 6 regular tiger barbs and 4 golden tiger barbs
I've noticed something rather strange, although I've been told that golden, regular, and green tiger barbs will readily school with one another, the two groups (gold and reg) are actually pretty separated from each other.
Before, I had a ratio of 2 regulars and 4 goldens, because the other regulars had died off from a bacterial disease. When I went back to pick up some more, the rest of the regular tiger barbs at the LFS had died off of the same bacterial infection. So I figured "why not" and picked up golden ones instead.
The two regulars had livened up after that, but they still seemed rather separated from the 4 regulars, in a sense. they schooled with them during eating, and during scavenging, but while idly exploring the tank, the two regs pretty much stayed with each other, and the goldens stayed with themselves as well.
Today I picked up 4 more regulard, and I feel my suspicions have been confirmed. The two original regulars had readily begun to hang out with the 4 new regulars,they've livened up a -lot- more, and they seem a bt less timid. and the 4 golden tigers have kinda split off into their own posse. The now 6 regulars tend to hang closer to the left side of the tank, and the 4 goldens stick to the right. They meet now and then in the center, and kinda group up, but even in the grouping, the 4 goldens hug each other, while the 6 regulars hug each other, there is no random mix of the two color morphs, the golds stick with the golds, the regulars stick with the regulars.
so if you ask me, the golden and regular tiger barbs, although sticking with each other, seem to know that they are not quite the same. I'm honestly kinda thinking of swapping the 4 goldens in for more regulars.
Anyone else have any experiences with different color morphs of tigers in the same tank?
I've noticed something rather strange, although I've been told that golden, regular, and green tiger barbs will readily school with one another, the two groups (gold and reg) are actually pretty separated from each other.
Before, I had a ratio of 2 regulars and 4 goldens, because the other regulars had died off from a bacterial disease. When I went back to pick up some more, the rest of the regular tiger barbs at the LFS had died off of the same bacterial infection. So I figured "why not" and picked up golden ones instead.
The two regulars had livened up after that, but they still seemed rather separated from the 4 regulars, in a sense. they schooled with them during eating, and during scavenging, but while idly exploring the tank, the two regs pretty much stayed with each other, and the goldens stayed with themselves as well.
Today I picked up 4 more regulard, and I feel my suspicions have been confirmed. The two original regulars had readily begun to hang out with the 4 new regulars,they've livened up a -lot- more, and they seem a bt less timid. and the 4 golden tigers have kinda split off into their own posse. The now 6 regulars tend to hang closer to the left side of the tank, and the 4 goldens stick to the right. They meet now and then in the center, and kinda group up, but even in the grouping, the 4 goldens hug each other, while the 6 regulars hug each other, there is no random mix of the two color morphs, the golds stick with the golds, the regulars stick with the regulars.
so if you ask me, the golden and regular tiger barbs, although sticking with each other, seem to know that they are not quite the same. I'm honestly kinda thinking of swapping the 4 goldens in for more regulars.
Anyone else have any experiences with different color morphs of tigers in the same tank?