QUICK - need an answer

GD - I already removed her.
She was completely stressed.
She was hiding everywhere she could find to squeeze and darting all over.
And I have slate in this tank with some edges that could harm her if she were scooting around too fast and accidentally scraped into it.

Does anyone know if these 2 would be better with 2 others in a 10 gallon?
I can't think of anything more fun to do on a Saturday night than go tank shopping.

(And sadly, I'm being serious when I say that)
Split the tank if you don't have room for another or get a 10, heavily HEAVILY plant it, and add the two you have plus two more. If there's lots of cover, they *should* be ok. But, if you have a super-agressive female, then there could still be trouble.
Would your significant other be more content if they were kept singly in smaller but separate tanks?
He probably wouldn't really mind, but what he doesn't know is that I already have another one on the way - Floor Boy is waiting patiently for the weather to warm up so he can get sent to me.
BUT.. I think he's gonna be a work fish.
No room in the inn for him here.

I might just leave the witch (Cloey, by the way - but I wanna call her the witch right now) in the nice 5G hex. She's enjoying it very much. Then get Liza (The poor picked on sweetie) a little minibow.

I don't know yet - getting that 10 gallon seems like a lot of work now that i aready have the 5 hex set up.

i dunno bettamomma, i have a female community of 4 and i plan to add a couple more, its all in a 10g and iv had no problems, they nip each other up everyonece in a while and theres a constant power struggle but they arnt stressed out or ill :dunno: maybe 2 just wont work, u could try a couple more in a 10g liek i ahve but maybe some fish just cant be kept in a community :dunno:
Really it should be fine in a 10 g....and it's doesn't need to be HEAVILY planted, you can make LOTS OF ROCK CAVES if you want, and then get some long plastic plant and lay it along the bottom. Should be fine. I'll post a pic of my 10 g that I'm planning to use as a female community soon. I would get the 10 g if I were you.
Here's what I plan to use for a female betta community:

Subdued lighting on the left, bright lighting on the right (for the plants)

I focused more on hardscape this time (rocks, wood) rather than the plants. All I'm gonna add is a dark background for a feeling of security, maybe a moss carpet for another hiding place.
Yea, I had to remove the other two females I added to my current female's 10 gallon. No matter which female I put with her, she challenged them with a huge flare and got into the "C-shape position" :no: She has been by herself for long she is too aggressive to put with any other females. I was worried about the other females picking on her since she was so small, but it ends up it is the other way around.
Don't keep ANY females together unless they have plenty of spread out room and hiding places. I found that out the hard way, and I had to scramble to find aquariums for them. It wasn't pretty. :crazy:
FishyLoveBug said:
They all have such personalities dont they? :rolleyes:
Yeah, they do. Unfortunately, all of my females have passed away. I had to give one of my females, my gold one, to a friend. One of the others, Astrid, tried to beat up the other girls. Another girl, Scarlet, tried to fight Astrid, and both Astrid and Scarlet tried to beat up the "sweetie" of the group, Coral. Sheesh!
Well, Cloey (the bully) is still in her tank.
Loving every minute of it.
Here's the tank (back when they were both still in it):

Poor little Liza (the one that was being buillied) is back in her little walmart cup.
I have to go on a little roadtrip tomorrow, and I pass by several pet stores and stuff on the way so I"m going to take my time on the way back tomorrow afternoon to see if I can find her a really cool little home.

I just don't wanna undo my tank because I really love it.

Here's Liza:

Here's Cloey (the bully!):

They're twins. They look identical except Cloey is a little bit more white and a tad bit bigger.
(and MUCH more of a little snotty hag!)
Okay,I slept on it and I have decided to find a 12G eclipse tank today, pick up more plants and more girlies and give it a try. I'll be donating my 5G hex tank to my grama who keeps 2 goldfish in a 2.5G minibow. :crazy: Yeah, they'll be happy to be upgraded, for SURE. (i know that's still not a big enough tank for them, but at least it's bigger than what they have. I"m going to try to talk her into leaving 1 in the smaller tank and putting the second one in the 5G tank. that will be their best hope for any upgrade - and I DON'T WANT any flack about how my grama keeps her fish - I have tried to stop her but she's 80 and has a will about as strong as mine)

If that doesn't work, and Cloey's still being a little hag, she's going. Somewhere, maybe to her own little tank, or to someone else, but she'll be the first one voted out of the tank.

I getta go tank shopping again today.
hee hee hee
I have constant issues with my female community :/ Roxy my VT who is in my avatar is an absolutel swine and will attack any of the other girls for no apparant reason

The others squabble amongst themselves at times too, but I don't get too many trashed fins anymore. I tried taking Roxy out of the mix but one of the other girls just became top dog and the chasing continued again

I personally wouldn't set up another one in a hurry

Here is the pic of mine, you can see there are plenty of hiding places. Its a 96 litre tank with 4 girls in. I have to add 2 more soon from my accidental spawn so we'll see if that calms it down a bit with more girls in or I get WW3 on my hands :grr:

This is what you want in your bedroom.....


Ok not this big but have just this miniute sold twenty five beanie boxes and some fish for a guy from liverpool doing just that but instead of using the guttering he will be using larger trays to keep the boxes in and then running to the filter another idea i gave him so not so much splash.......these..........


Under bed storage boxes linked with the boxes standing in then and water pumped to the beanies and then run out into the trays and to the filter for recycle.......

:D :D :D :D

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