Quick Breeding Question


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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I am about to breed my danio's and just had a quick question.

right now i have two females in a tank by themselves and was going to put the males in the tank in a few days and then drain most of the water.

Neither tank is heated at the moment but i did just buy a heater. I cant remember the heater brand at the moment but it is pretty small and can either be on the wall or floating.

the question is:

I know that by changing the water temperature it triggers there breeding call. So what is the best way for me to do that... (i am breeding them in a 5 gallon tank marbles at the bottom)

A) Should i put in the heater when i put the males in and while the tank is still full, wait for it to warm up and then take the heater and most the water out?

B) Should i put the males in drain the tank and then put the heater in for a few moments

C) Just slowly add warm water to the breeding tank

D) Suggestions?
Danios are tropical fish there for they should be kept in warm water all the time, thats somthing I think you need to address before breeding anymore :p

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