Quick Breeding Question

hey all
well i checked on them this morning and she still hasnt bared up but she looks full with eggs
should i put her in there or still wait for her to bar up?
the males nest is alot bigger this morning and she seems to want to get out of the jar
also should i keep a light on the tanks or keep them in the dark?
thanks alot
hey all
i decided to swap females
and this females seems to really like him and is always flarin at him and following him but he doesnt seem very interested in her
what should i do?
also i accidently distroyed his nest
any help would be appreciated
Personally would have released the first one if she was full of eggs, but you've swapped them now. Release her if he has a nest and she looks receptive. Its never easy to judge it fully. Just keep an eye on them for the first 15 mins or so and if he doesn't look as if he's going to kill her and she can hide in plants then leave them to it :D

Spawning can be quite brutal so sometiimes best not to look too much :crazy:
the only reason i didnt release the other female was because she wasnt bared up
well since ive moved her my male has been kinda down and he would normal be mending his nest but his not now he just sits at the bottom of the tank
what should i do?
the females seems to like him though
should i have a light on the tank?

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