Quick Betta Question


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Canada, Ontario
ok i have a few bettas now

i was bit by the betta bug, but have yet to purchase anything other than a veiltail :(

males are so pretty, and i was wondering if i had a 70 gallon tank, could i put male bettas in?

if so how many?

what would the habbitat have to be like?

could veiltailes be with crowntails or halfmoons?

:) just a question
ok i have a few bettas now

i was bit by the betta bug, but have yet to purchase anything other than a veiltail :(

males are so pretty, and i was wondering if i had a 70 gallon tank, could i put male bettas in?

if so how many?

what would the habbitat have to be like?

could veiltailes be with crowntails or halfmoons?

:) just a question

definitely not together!
You can have a female betta sorority tank or there are some people who have successful community tanks with one male betta in the mix. Definately check out the FAQs in the Betta section. :)

Also guppies_everywhere, does your avatar come out find for you?? I always see an "Oops Photobucket Error" image instead. :/
Agree with only one male and the avatar thing.

Of course, for the one male betta, there have been exceptions, but I would not suggest adding two or more in hopes of getting them to be nice to one another.

You could probably get a sorority, as mentioned. The tails might not be as pretty, but you could always get multiple color strains, thereby perhaps ending up with an even better-looking tank. ;)
no no no no no

you guys have my question all wrong..and why is my avatar messed :(

i wanted to know

what if i had an all betta 70 gallon

not a community tank

no other fish

just bettas :) my bad next time ill elaborate
no no no no no

you guys have my question all wrong..and why is my avatar messed :(

i wanted to know

what if i had an all betta 70 gallon

not a community tank

no other fish

just bettas :) my bad next time ill elaborate

I can see your avatar!

Male bettas definitely should NOT be kept in a tank together. Even if it's a huge one, they will more than likely find each other and fight. :X

All females with no males can be kept together in a tank. In a huge tank like that, you could get quite a few girls.
Are you wanting male or female bettas? You can't keep males together. You can however keep several females and (as someone else said in that size tank as long as you have SEVERAL hiding places and lots of plants) possibly one male. But you have to be careful with males in with the females, because sometimes they will fight as well. It is possible that the females will gang up on the male and kill him. That is also why you can't keep males together. But the chances are 1 in 1.5 that they will fight and likely kill each other.

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