It's kinda annoying that I can't seem to control my PH level, I need something to keep it stable but because I stay in scotland we have soft water and I've heard it has a habit of dropping quite low. I have two large bits of driftwood in my tank, I sometimes see my corys fly up onto them looking about and such and even see them outside the driftwood snooping about the sand but all I have to do is move and poof there gone.It's annoying because there really nice fish I just never see them anymore.
Once you get the Ph sorted and I also read of possible bacterial infection too you are treating, then they'll come back to normal and become playful. The Ph plummeting from over 7ppm to 6ppm from what I read on your other thread is a huge problem. Hopefully you sort that out.
Yea my LFS was saying that low PH can become unstable but oh well, Am treating my fish with Anti Internal becteria.