right, im using this topic for ALL my questions that i keep thinking of ( we could be here a while

That's good. I've realized that this is preferred over starting 50 new topics
1) Should you move sand from underneath live rock, or do you put it ontop of sand?
Push the live rock down to the bottom of the tank. Many people use cheap base rock for this part since it'll be buried by sand anyway. The exposed parts will become live over time also.
Another good way to do it is get the rock in first and then pour the sand around it
2) Can you just stack liverock normally or do you have to silicon them together or something?
You stack it. Use the bump test. Don't fit it solid, but don't leave it wobbly either. Try to arrange it so there are spaces, but so that it doesn't fall over. If you tap it and it's wobbly choose a different rock or try a different position. Experiment when you start setting up
Some people silicone, but I'd hate to try to move the rocks or the setup later after they are all glued
3) I saw 2 different test kits, marine and reefm is there a difference?
Marine, I believe has just basic stuff. Reef has more usefull tests for reef systems. Here's an example.
marine API test kit: Tests include high range pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
API reef marine test kit: Tests calcium, carbonate hardness, phosphate and nitrate levels
I don't have one yet, but according to what I've read, you really only need the marine. The latter are good for hard to keep corals or if you suspect there's a problem. I don't think there'd be to big of a problem with the calcium, unless there were lots of critters that needed to absorb it or water changes weren't kept up on and the levels were depleted. Hopefully ski will go further into this part