
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Aug 8, 2005
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hey everyone,
I just got my betta 2 days ago. I have owned them before but I didn't do as much research as I should have. This one so far is doing really well.
My brother got one too, but his wont eat. We got them 2 days ago, I'm just wondering why he wont eat. He started bubblenests and is swimming around fine, he has all his colour, there's nothing not normal going on. Maybe he just isn't hungry?

Some more questions, what kind of live plants do you put in with your tank? Is it better to have live or fake?

Ours are in a 1/2 gal tank each, do you think it is big enough? I feel they will do quite well in those.

Last thing, I cannot figure out what kind of tail my betta has. He is just a baby I really don't know how old he is, but his tail has a small split in it in the middle. I don't know if he would be a double tail or veil tail... Apparently he is still growing, but maybe you know?

That's all for now, hope someone can help me. Thanks!
I would get at least a one gallon tank for them... a half gallon is really too small. I have a 10 gallon divided between three bettas and a 2.5 gallon for my other betta. They LOVE the extra space. They like plants to rest on, and either a little cave or a spot of thick plants to hide in. Live plants are fun, but a lot more work. My bettas do just fine with fake plants, but I know a lot of people here use real ones. It's really just a personal preference.

As for the not eating thing, I have a betta that sometimes has to be coaxed to eat. I just put my finger near his food and wiggle it a little and bouce the pellets around. (You are feeding them pellets and not flakes, right?) When he sees them bobbing around, he snatches them right up.

As for the tail type, we would have to see pictures. There is also a thread at the top that has pictures of the different tail types, if you want to try to type him yourself. :) If he has a split tail and he's not a double tail, keep an eye on him, as it could be fin rot, or he could have just gotten it caught on something at some point. :)
Thanks for the reply,
Oh dear I HOPE he doesn't have fin rot, I'll try and post a pic of him. I did look at pictures but he doesn't seem to fit the category haha.
And yes we are feeding my brothers' fish bloodworms. It might just be the new enviornment
Oh and about the size of the tank, well it just said that it's made for bettas, its one of those marina betta tanks. But waht about all those that are kept in a cup? Now I think that's evil... :(

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