Questions For Axoltol Owners


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2011
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Alright, so, i'm possibly interested in getting one... But, here are some questions I have first:
1. How big a tank do they need?
2. Are they kept solo or with others of their kind or with other fish?
3. How do they like their tank decorated?
4. How big do they get?
5. How expensive are the albino ones?
6. What do they eat/Whats a good diet plan for one?
7. What temperatures do they need?
8. Whats their recomended pH level?
9. Whats YOUR list of pro's and con's of owning one?
10. What other information/advice would you give me or anyone else interested in getting one?
11. How old do they live?
:good: thanks!!

Edit: I just realized i mispelled the name x.x sorry
1-20gallon long bare minimum for one.
2-Similar sized axolotls are fine together. The 'rule' is no fish. The only exception I have found are fancy goldfish because neither are fast enough to nip the other without getting nipped themselves.
3-Sand bottom is the only option. Smooth decor, places to hide (PVC pipes, hollow ceramic decorations, etc.).
4-They usually max out at around 12"
5-2" babies are around $10 for 'natural' variations (not the green fluorecent protein ones)
6-High quality pellet. I fed mine New Life Spectrum exclusively. Salmon and trout pellets are standard for labs and breeders.
7-Room temp, 73F max.
8-Doesn't matter.
9-They are pretty lethargic, which is why I kept goldfish with mine. They are very unique though. When we have had them at the shop everyone notices them and thinks they are neat.
10-Keep them like fish: high quality food and water and they should thrive.
11-Not sure what is their max age.
Alright, so, i'm possibly interested in getting one... But, here are some questions I have first:
1. How big a tank do they need? Bigger the better, 2 feet of floor space for your first axolotl, an extra foot for each additional.
2. Are they kept solo or with others of their kind or with other fish? Best kept either solo or with other axolotls of the same size. Do not house young (under 4 inches long) together due to cannibalistic tendencies.
3. How do they like their tank decorated? A lot of open floor space but with hiding spots and things they can "sit on" - They will perch in plants and on top of hides.
4. How big do they get? Average is about 10-12 inches, but can get up to 16 inches
5. How expensive are the albino ones? Unless you can track down a pet store near you who sells them. then can be about 30-40 US dollars a piece on line depending on albino, wildtype, golden albino, leucistic and whether or not you get a natural or GFP
6. What do they eat/Whats a good diet plan for one? I feed mine strictly on earthworms bought at a bait shop.
7. What temperatures do they need? In the 60*Fs is the best. They can do well a little colder but anything in the mid/lower 70*Fs for an extended period of time can make them quite ill.
8. Whats their recomended pH level? Stable!!! Do not use any pH chemical additives....fluctuating pH is severely more damaging than a stable but slightly off one.
9. Whats YOUR list of pro's and con's of owning one? Depending on where you live, it can be quite hard to keep the tank cool enough in the summer. Again, a temperature of over 73-75*F for more than a day or so can kill them.
10. What other information/advice would you give me or anyone else interested in getting one? Above it says to use a sand substrate, I actually cannot due to having a sand eater. (An axolotl dumb enough to sit and eat the substrate!) So be prepared to act if you end up having one also. Do not over crowd. Adults feed every 2-3 days, one - two worms each, juvies feed daily of a small/cut up worm or bloodworms.
11. How old do they live? 10-15 years. So they are an investment!
:good: thanks!!

Edit: I just realized i mispelled the name x.x sorry

Hope this helps!!!!

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