Mostly New Member
I thought I would give a little update on the progress of my tank. I have added some plants, which you can see in the picture below. They include Anubias (not sure what kind), Hygrophila Corymbosa Stricta, Java Fern, Water Wisteria, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Dwarf Hairgrass, and a Marimo Moss ball. When I began the cycle a week ago I dosed ammonia to 2ppm since I was also adding Tetra Safe Start. It has stayed there consistantly this week although today it looks closer to 1pmm than 2 (I'm having a hard time with the colors
). Nitrite has been 0 at every test. Nitrate looks like it might be making an appearance, somewhere between 0 and 5, as it turned a very dark yellow but not quite orange (today's test). I'm not sure if the plants will help much as they are small and it is not "heavily planted." I also added an extra filter (a Tetra Whisper 10i) as it was only $8 and I figured the extra flow might help with oxygen for the bacteria.
As to the tap water here, I am honestly still at a loss. The call to the water board was unhelpful and, in regards to ph, more confusing. After letting some sit out for 24 hours and testing it, ph was still at 8.2. After shaking vigorously and testing, still 8.2. My tank has come down to 8.0, which I'm assuming is due to the mopani wood but I can't expect that to last forever. However the water board said it is 7.4. They confirmed my GH at 78.8ppm but had no clue about the KH. When she asked me what it stood for I told her nevermind and hung up. Yes, I was very frustrated by that point as it had taken me 20 minutes just to get that far. The only thing I have not yet done is take a sample of my water to the LFS to have it tested, which I will probably do sometime this week. I'll admit I'm not very hopeful about different results.
This still leaves me with what kind of fish would be suitable? I'm not having much luck in my research. The only fish I've found that seem to do well in that high of a ph are African Chichlids but my tank is not large enough for that and I would need to boost the gh. Plus, my boss now wants to give me the 55 gallon at work that is full of Yellow labs (which is something I'm sure will be another thread). The conclusion I've come to is that I'm going to have to adjust something but what's easier, ph or gh? Or do I choose a fish type that I like and adjust for them? I guess I'm still just unsure about where to go with it.
On the bright side, I've got time as the tank is still in it's infancy of cycling. Any comments or advice is, as always, greatly appreciated.
As to the tap water here, I am honestly still at a loss. The call to the water board was unhelpful and, in regards to ph, more confusing. After letting some sit out for 24 hours and testing it, ph was still at 8.2. After shaking vigorously and testing, still 8.2. My tank has come down to 8.0, which I'm assuming is due to the mopani wood but I can't expect that to last forever. However the water board said it is 7.4. They confirmed my GH at 78.8ppm but had no clue about the KH. When she asked me what it stood for I told her nevermind and hung up. Yes, I was very frustrated by that point as it had taken me 20 minutes just to get that far. The only thing I have not yet done is take a sample of my water to the LFS to have it tested, which I will probably do sometime this week. I'll admit I'm not very hopeful about different results.
This still leaves me with what kind of fish would be suitable? I'm not having much luck in my research. The only fish I've found that seem to do well in that high of a ph are African Chichlids but my tank is not large enough for that and I would need to boost the gh. Plus, my boss now wants to give me the 55 gallon at work that is full of Yellow labs (which is something I'm sure will be another thread). The conclusion I've come to is that I'm going to have to adjust something but what's easier, ph or gh? Or do I choose a fish type that I like and adjust for them? I guess I'm still just unsure about where to go with it.
On the bright side, I've got time as the tank is still in it's infancy of cycling. Any comments or advice is, as always, greatly appreciated.