Questions about setting up my canister filter


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2021
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I've bought a Nautilus 800 Aqua One filter, I've read that the flow goes from bottom to top of the canister. I am a bit confused about which order to place all the media. This is my first time setting up a tank- let alone filter. Its for my 100L low-tech planted community freshwater tank.
Is this right?

Basket 1:
In the basket on the bottom I have the two coarsest sponges

Basket 2:
I have a medium coarse sponge with some bio noodles on the top

Basket 3:
I have some filter wool with some bio balls on the top

I'm in the middle of setting it up so I haven't done anything. Will the bio balls and noodles (since they aren't covered with anything) make excessive noise? Or am I just overthinking it.
Thanks for your feedback :)
It doesn't really matter which way the filter media/ materials go. Most people have sponges at the bottom then ceramic beads and the white filter floss/ matt on top.

The sponges trap the gunk and stop most of it from blocking up the ceramic beads, which are meant to hold beneficial filter bacteria. Then the white filter matt is a polishing media that traps the really fine particles.

Having said that, the good filter bacteria grow on all the filter media so it really doesn't matter if you have the ceramic beads at the bottom or on top. My filters just have sponges in and nothing else.

Power filters should be cleaned once a month. However, do not clean the filter for the first 6-8 weeks because you can wash out the good filter bacteria before it gets established. Once it is established (after 6-8 weeks), you can clean the filter media and not worry about getting rid of the bacteria.

To clean the filter, turn it off and unplug it.
Remove the hoses from the tank and put them in a clean bucket to collect any water that runs out of the filter.
Carry the filter outside or somewhere you don't mind getting wet.
Open the filter and pour the liquid onto the lawn.

Put the filter media in a bucket of tank water and squeeze/ rinse it out. When it's clean, put the media into a second bucket of tank water while you finish cleaning the rest of the media and filter case/ motor.

When the filter case, motor and media are clean, put them filter back together and connect the hoses. Put the intake hose in the aquarium and suck on the end of the outlet hose to get water draining into the filter. Then put the outlet hose into a bucket next to the filter.

Let the filter fill with water and start flowing into the bucket. Put your finger over the outlet hose to stop the water flowing into the bucket.
Move the outlet hose into the tank.

Plug the filter in and turn it on. Give the filter a gentle shake to help dislodge any air bubbles that might be in it.

The filter case and impellor assembly (magnet with 3 or 4 plastic blades on one end) can be washed under tap water.

When you take the impellor out, be careful. They have a steel or ceramic shaft that goes through the middle of the impellor. The steel one is fine but if you have a ceramic shaft, they can break if you are rough.

There should also be a rubber grommet on each end of the impellor shaft. Don't lose these.

Some impellors also have a thin plastic washer between the rubber grommet and the impellor. Again, it they have them, don't lose them.

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