Questions about marine setup?

Can you have to much powerhead? Like more powerful then the 200 gph, instead I get 2 150 gph.
FrAnK3333 said:
I seen the difference on and true percula have way more black where as the ocellios dont have a lot of black. Can I just fit a pair and thats it or can more fish fit?
What size tank? Is it the 20 long in your signature? If so, yes, you can fit another small fish, like a firefish or small goby.

I'm sorry, I don't know about powerheads.
in a small 20 gal 2 would be ok directed at each other to creat more water motion and disturbance a big one would be ok but would not creat the same movement in the water
FrAnK3333 said:
Can you have to much powerhead? Like more powerful then the 200 gph, instead I get 2 150 gph.
technically, i would say you could have too much current. If your fish are too small and can't swim right, you may have too much flow :p Other than that, some people will put 20x's the flow in their aquariums so I wouldn't worry too much
does anyone have a lcue how an air stone would be anything but good for an SW system, assumeing its not bubbleing water up out of the tank and onto an electrical outlet or doing some other thing of that sort.

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