Live life, don't let it live you!
I am getting rid of my two black goldfish in my 3G tank as I have been told they will grow big, so i'm giving them to someone who has a pond, i'm going to buy another 2G tank and a nice female. The 3G tank has an undergravel filter (i'm not going to use it when spawning, just when cleaning the tank out), with an air stone.
These are going to be my tank setups:
3 Gallon Spawning Tank
50W heater.
Silk plants (probably all three, what do you recommend?)
Biggish cave ornament (for the female to hide)
I have been told not to use any gravel either.
2G Male Betta VT Tank
All-In-One Filter (Mechanical,Chemical and Biological).
Plastic flower/plant.
Bridge ornament (the crappy one i wanted to chuck away).
Normal Gravel with big stones in.
2G Female Betta VT Tank
The females tank will be,
Two Natural 'ferns'
Blue + green mixed gravel.
Small castle ornament.
A few questions I would like answered please!
1) Do you think I should be putting the filter in with the female rather than the male or not?
2) I have a light built into my cabinet wich I put on for a few hours during the day, should I put the male under this or the female?
3) When I have the male and female in my spawning tank, am I suppose to turn off the under gravel filter?
4) I would like to know if you agree with these setups, please tell me if you do, and if you don't please tell me why not.
5) Do you have any other suggestions that could save me money? ie. Putting a divider on my 2G tank, instead of splashing out £11 buying another one.
6) What are the best conditions for them to be in the spawning tank? (Filter on/off? Heater 70-80*C? No Gravel?
These are going to be my tank setups:
3 Gallon Spawning Tank
50W heater.
Silk plants (probably all three, what do you recommend?)
Biggish cave ornament (for the female to hide)
I have been told not to use any gravel either.
2G Male Betta VT Tank
All-In-One Filter (Mechanical,Chemical and Biological).
Plastic flower/plant.
Bridge ornament (the crappy one i wanted to chuck away).
Normal Gravel with big stones in.
2G Female Betta VT Tank
The females tank will be,
Two Natural 'ferns'
Blue + green mixed gravel.
Small castle ornament.
A few questions I would like answered please!
1) Do you think I should be putting the filter in with the female rather than the male or not?
2) I have a light built into my cabinet wich I put on for a few hours during the day, should I put the male under this or the female?
3) When I have the male and female in my spawning tank, am I suppose to turn off the under gravel filter?
4) I would like to know if you agree with these setups, please tell me if you do, and if you don't please tell me why not.
5) Do you have any other suggestions that could save me money? ie. Putting a divider on my 2G tank, instead of splashing out £11 buying another one.
6) What are the best conditions for them to be in the spawning tank? (Filter on/off? Heater 70-80*C? No Gravel?