When the flow adjustment reduces input, the water returned to the aquarium is still equal to input, but the top grid in the filter basket circulates purified water back into the motor chamber so that the pump filters 300 gallons per hour even when adjusted to siphon less.
so does this mean that even though i set it to the lowest it's still able to pump 300 gallon per hour
Actually, the 300 is rated for 70 gallonsvantgE said:you have adequate iltration i run a fluval 304 and a ac200 on my mbuna tank I plan to upgrade to a 500 but it's not necesary, the ac300 is rated for 100gallons and the xp3 for 175 while in total I have a claimed 150 gallon capacity
The big chamber is one of the best features of an AquaClear filter!leafs said:I use filter floss in between 2 sponges in my Aquaclear 200 and it really helps keep the water clear. It filters out all the small particals that the sponge misses. I usually replace the floss after a couple of weeks when it gets really dirty. I don't really rely on it for biological filtration.