
My tank size is: 180ltrs

My fish are: 5 kuhli loaches, 3 leopard danios, 4 swordtails, 3 panda corys, 5 silver tip tetras, 4 swordtails & 3 dalmation mollies.

My next fish is: calico plattys ( when lfs gets some more in )

My saddest loss is: 2 panda corys.

MY favourite fish is: Joint favouites are kuhli loaches & panda corys.

Advice for a beginner: Research, research & more research, have patience & dont try to rush things.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
My tank size: from 5 to 85 gallons (150 on order)

My Fish: Your general stuff (Balas, Guppies, Neons, 4 Bettas, Cories etc) and a growing collection of oddballs (Butterflies, Bumblebee Gobies, Dwarf Puffers, Black Ghost Knife) and catfish (USD, Pictus, L number plecs)

Next fish: a predatory Charcin (eithe Chalceus or Acestrorynchus species) and 2 more BGK

My saddest loss is: A betta we bought that got stuck in the tank divider shortly after we bought him

My Favorite fish is: Our Ultra stressed Bala Shark (Sharky) who seems determined to brain himself on the tank.

Advice for a beginner: As before...RESEARCH
My tank size is: 9 tanks ranging from 2.5G to 75G
My fish are: too many to all get mentioned, they can be found in my profile
My next fish is: Unknown as of yet
My saddest loss is: My female dwarf puffer, little one. Managed to get caught between divider and filter somehow, still miss her a lot.
My favourite fish is: My remaining dwarf puffer
Advice for a beginner: Always do your own research, and get advice from more than 1 place or person rather than believe what they tell you.
My tank size is: 7 Tanks ranging from 5 to 150 gallons

My fish are: Mostly Catfishes, lots of loaches, Oddballs, Cichlids etc.

My next fish is: Unsure, probably another catfish!

My saddest loss is: Haven't lost much really, probably my saddest loss though was my first loss which was a black mozaic platy.

My favourite fish is: "Borris" The Synodontis Angelicus

Advice for a beginner: Use as few chemicals as possible! The only chemical I would reccomend is a bit of Aquasafe when you first fill up your tank. I have lost comparitively very few fish and i don't use any chemicals unless I have an ill fish. Clean water and a varied diet and varied feeding times are always a winner!

My tank size is:8 from 5-150 gallons; 200 gallon pond

My fish are: Look to the profile.

My next fish is: More otos I got one the other day without researching....Later my friend has common plecos that will either get too big for her tank or croak if they get too big I'll take them.

My saddest loss is: Alexander(ite) the great...a show potential asagi koi (tatooed on my thigh...I loved that guy so much)

My favourite fish is: I like them all based on different merits :)

Advice for a beginner: Take a week to really think about and research any new fish. Always remember a stunted fish is a fish that will not live out it's natural life. Make sure you have a good understanding of the nitrogen cycle. I like the previous advice of knowing the rules before you try to bend them or break them.
My tank size is: 260 litres about 50 gallons or sumfink like that

My fish are:2 silver dollars, 2 golden severums, 6 corys and a royal plec

My next fish is:researching at the mo, probably a male betta in a 1 gal

My saddest loss is: havent lost any yet

My favourite fish is: golden severum or silver dollars

Advice for a beginner - cycle tank, and pick suitable fish
My tank size is: 20G & 8 One gallons

My fish are: Bettas, Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Corys & Mollies

My next fish is: probably another betta

My saddest loss is: Opaline Gourami, died of internal bacteria

My favourite fish is: My crowntail bettas

Advice for a beginner: Read and do lots of research on your own, dont always depend on advice from the fish store.
My tank size is: I have, currently 5 tanks ranging from 8.5 gallons to 72 gallons

My fish are: numbered over 120 with about 40 species

My next fish is: :eek: guppies :fun:

My saddest loss is: Ryan and Cathy (bettas)

My favourite fish is: Danios; all 64 species

Advice for a beginner: Research first is a must.
My tank size is: see my sig

My fish are: see my sig

My next fish is: none, at the moment, quite happy where we are right now!

My saddest loss is: Fred, my first fish (Betta)

My favourite fish is: Beulah (my only female Betta, she's a tough girly!)

Advice for a beginner: Research!!! And make sure you cycle!!!
My tank size is: 9 tanks ranging from 5-30 gallons.

My fish are: See profile..too many to list. :p

My next fish is: Not quite sure yet...probably more Cories.

My saddest loss is: Zodiak, my Marbled Double-tail Betta

My favourite fish is: A tie between my Kissing Gourami, and my Bettas

Advice for a beginner: Remember to cycle your tank, and take it slow! Always research your fish, and their needs. :)
My tank size is: 33 US gallon ( 3ftx1ftx1ft)
?????? (2ftx1ftx1ft)

My fish are: 2 angels, 2 swordtails, 3 red tailed black sharks, 7 columbian tetras, 2 unknown tetras, 1 pleco, 3 jewel cichlids.

3 fantails, 4 zebra danios, 2 suckermouth things, 2 gouramis(v.small)

My next fish is: :dunno:

My saddest loss is:The fantail i had for three years after having to move my tank

My favourite fish is: red tailed black sharks

Advice for a beginner: get something hardy and easy to look after to begin with
My tank size is: 10 gal

My fish are: 1 VT betta (male)

My next fish is: 3 VT bettas (2 females, one male)

My saddest loss is: all the fishes I lost before my betta...had no idea what I was doing

My favourite fish is: bettas (especially the one betta that's lived through my ignorance :lol:

Advice for a beginner: Research fish before you get it, don't ask advice if you are not willing to take it, don't rush into breeding anything because it is not that easy.
My tank size is: 90G

My fish are: Check the sig!

My next fish is: When the Oscar's older and gone, i want a group of Butterflyfish.

My saddest loss is: My largest Koi Angel, he was the King of one of my old 50G's, after his death his female friend became more and more lonely before passing away herself.

My favourite fish is: My Red Tiger Oscar!

Advice for a beginner: Impulse buys are a no-no. There are countless times i have seen a fish in a shop that i have liked. Come on here to find out how potentially damaging they could have been!
My tank size is: 40 gallons / 6 gallons

My fish are: platys, harlequin rasboras, cory catfish / male betta

My next fish is: another male betta (and other tank!)

My saddest loss is: When I lost ALL my fish (12 angel fish) +/- 10 years ago - the power/heat was out for an extended period of time during a winter storm

My favorite fish is: I don't have one favorite fish

Advice for a beginner: Pay attention to the people here on the forum--there's tons of good advice and food for thought here.

My tank size is: 7-35 US gallons

My fish are: check profile

My next fish is: Pelvicachromis pulcher (krib)

My saddest loss is: 8 year old black ghost knife

My favourite fish is: BGN (but still looking)

Advice for a beginner: Find a LFS (local fish shop/store) that you trust, do some research before you make purchases and never under estimate the power of regular water changes.

Oh I forgot ... have fun. :-

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