Yeah a star fish wouldnt survive long in that size tank.
A "nemo" setup isnt that difficult all you need is as follows.
The 20 long tank
10-15 kg's of live rock
2 or 3 powerheads to circulate the volume of the water atleast 20 times.
No additional filter is necessary or advisable
A small layer of sand on the bottom i.e 1/2 inch
Lighting depends on what corals your friend would like to keep, for the fish and live rock a normal bulb would be ok, preferably 2 bulbs.
If she wants to keep corals then look for the t5 or t5 compacts which for the same length are 2or 3 times brighter.
She will need to use ro water or algae will take over the tank depending upon the tap water, you can buy ro at a lfs fairly cheaply.
For stocking a pair of tank bred clowns and possibly one other small fish, no more and a clean up crew of crabs and snails.
If you look at theres loads of info there on small reef tanks, aslong as you take your time, test the water regularly and dont overstock then they arent that difficult imo