

Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I should know the anwser to this but I wanted to see what everyone thought...I have a female Guppy that is due to deliver today :) And since last night shes been very very stressed!! :sad: This her 3 batch of babies...and has never been this stressed having babies!! Could it be just the fact that shes in labor and thats what is stressing her? Thats what I think

She is in a 5 1/2 gal by herself, ready to give me more babies!! :)

Is there something I can do to help her through the stress of delivering babies, or just let her be and watch her? Could I add Stress Coat? Her last 2 batch were a breeze, no symtoms of delivery, she still ate while popping out fry!! she never really stayed in one spot..So this is sorta worrying me :huh:

Any comments would be appreciated..
There really isnt anything that you can help her with right now. Just leave her alone for a while and dont move her. Soon you will have some guppy fry :)
Thats what I thought, so I will leave her alone, She wont be moved until after she has them...I just hate to see her this stressed :sad:

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