

Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I don't want to be a pain but I was wondering if maybe we should have a subforum on the Freshwater section for cycling diaries? I was just in and counted 12 different diaries just on the first page.

Might make it easier for people to find the diary they are following, and make sure other peoples questions aren't getting sunk to the bottom by all the updates on the diaries.
Oddly, I saw the same thing yesterday and thought about that option. I will bring it up for mod discussion.
Ok, it was just something I've begun to notice, it started out small but just kept multiplying...
another suggestion on this topic, when/if you set up another section for them, could you post a pinned article with the expected format?

waterdrop just posted this on someones thread:

It looks to me like the first line in your table is indicating that you found zero ammonia and zero nitrite and a pH of 7.2 in your -tap- water. If that's correct then maybe a nitrate(NO3) measurement is the only thing missing from a full set of tap water measurements. I like to see a full set of tap water measurements along with an explicit statement of whether MM (mature media) was used in any way up top in the same first post where the daily fishless cycling log is going to appear, right along with the tank dimensions, volume and filter/filter-media information.

( :lol: Sorry for that long-winded way of asking your NO3 tap measurement but I was just thinking about all the stuff that we, as cycle checkers or whatever we are, have to search to pull out for each of the active cycle threads we run through each day.)

I'm just curious about whether that very high NO3 of 110 got help by being elevated to begin with or shot way up there just from 6 days of fishless cycling, which would be very unusual for an unaided fishless cycle.


so mabe it would make sense to state up front everything people need to know if they are going to help?

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